Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces"-`There Can Be Only One'
<<Stardate: 47307.18- 08:50>>
<<Deck 5- VIP Accommodations>>
Captain Epic Terrakian's growing fire was a barely subdued thing. It being genuinely his own made it even more difficult to suppress. But, with the calming influence of the Vulcan working in him, he brought his heart rate down and his breathing more even.
This man spoke with impunity and his thoughts betrayed an arrogance that would have impressed Epic were it not so impotent in these circumstances. He listened to Captain `Doc' until the man had finished. Epic took a slow and even breath.
"First thing that needs clarification, Trellor, is: You are not a prisoner. You have all the access to the ship you could possibly require. Except, of course, sensitive areas. Like the Bridge. Like Engineering.
"And if you think that my Security Chief is going to let some disheveled `hitchhiker' from an exploding Klingon Warship near Romulan space just walk about as it pleases him, I recommend you consult our Chief Doctor, because you have obviously suffered head trauma."
Epic let the obvious rebuke sink in.
"And since you bring it up, let me tell you what all your Starfleet Intelligence protocols, directives, and clearances mean here on the Grail.
"They don't mean anything. Let me tell you, just about everybody on this ship has `classified' files in their bios. That's the problem with all you SI `spooks'. You think anybody really gives a damn about all your covert `panty raids'. Well, I don't. Because they don't mean a thing where it comes to our mission.
"And let me tell you what that mission is:..."
Epic took a moment to breath.
"We are directed by the most expedient route directly for the Delta Quadrant in search of the USS Voyager, lost three years ago. Starfleet received a message transmitted by some unknown alien relay system that places the Voyager approximately 70,000 light years from where we are right now.
"Do the math, Spyman. If they could possibly survive, completely isolated amongst strange and hostile conditions, and we could meet them halfway, it would take about twenty-five years to catch them. And then, of course, another twenty-five years back.
"And, with your exceptional clearances, I am sure you have enough knowledge of the Delta Quadrant to know that one of the obstacles to completing our mission is: directly in our flight path is the Borg!"
`Doc' Trellor never lost his air of superior calm, but Epic was pacing like an animal.
"So, let me run it all down for you so that your infinitely wise and telepathically superior mind can understand it:
"The Grail is mine. You work for me now. All the Kings Horses, and All the Kings Men can not change that now. So, the next time you send an encrypted message to all your little spy friends in some janitors closet in Starfleet Headquarters, you say a nice goodbye, because you are never going to see them again.
"And, if you don't think you can live with that, I will certainly afford you an escape pod by which you can be dropped off on a nice `M' class world along the way. The pods, of course, are equipped with subspace beacons that will allow you to signal them as to your whereabouts. Although, being only forty light years from Romulan space, I wouldn't be too confident that the `quite a number of friends' you have will get there first."
Trellor said nothing, his face emotionless.
"But, if you choose to stay aboard the Grail, and I do determine to accept your `offer' of a Counselors abilities, understand that your rank of `Captain' will be honorary only. You will exist outside the chain of command. You will be afforded the equivalent rank privileges of a Lt. Commander. My First Officer is Lt. Major Athalya Anne Brinn. My Second Officer is Commander Corvette Hunt. My Third, Commander Janice Hargen. There is only one Commanding Officer on this ship, Trellor, and you're glaring at him.
"And as a Ships Counselor, you will restrict your telepathic `talents' to their professional limitations. We don't go `mind-raping' our own just to satisfy our whimsy. Just because we can, doesn't mean we..."
=^=Oku Ramin to Captain Terrakian. I need your presence here at Sickbay. Ramin out. =^
Epic was silenced by the gravity the doctors voice held. He half turned toward the door to respond. But, he turned back to Trellor.
"Listen, Captain Trellor, we certainly haven't gotten off on the right foot. I think your false sense of `imprisonment' caused you to react as if we were enemies. I'm a Tactical Officer at heart. You treat me like an enemy, I'll treat you like an enemy. But, I think we can get past that.
"If you are still offering your Counselors skills, I accept. Since I have to report to Sickbay, and you'll need a complete physical before starting a command position, why don't you join me? We'll find out what the problem is."
As Trellor weighed his response, Epic opened the door. "En. Charr. You are relieved of this assignment. Report to your shift commander."
Tifa Charr blinked once, an amused look on her face. She had heard everything.
Epic turned back to Trellor and reiterated the same question he had asked earlier. "Well? What's up, `Doc'?"