Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces"-`Had Enough'
<<Stardate: 47307.18-1620>>
<<Observation Lounge>>
"... I request to be dismissed." Athalya Anne continued to glare at Terrakian.
"Request denied!", Epic roared, standing up suddenly and moving in close to Brinn. "THAT, you petulant old bitch, was the last straw. Since you have mysteriously arrived on this ship, I have made every effort to accomodate you. I have done this out of respect and admiration for your outstanding record and considerable accomplishments. And your age. And all the wisdom it is supposed to be attached to it."
Epic circled her as he allowed his emotions to vent.
"You have shit all over everything I have said and done. You have spit in my face with every courtesy and sympathy I have offered. I don't know who the hell you think you are or where the hell you came from, but I have finally isolated the language you speak. And, as it happens, I speak that language as well. But, being responsible for thousands, and anwerable to their expectations, I have refrained from speaking it, out of that responsibility to them and the lives that I must preserve in the face of this IMPOSSIBLE MISSION!!"
Epic stopped to stand in front of her.
"And I thought you would be the one to help me. I thought you were the one who could stand by my side and be strong enough to face the awesome challenges to come. But, no. You have chosen to be the greatest challenge I have to face. And why?!?!
"I have no fucking idea. But, I've had it. If it is a test of my resolve you are provoking: You've got it. If it is a test of my strength you need: You've got that, too. And if it is the fact that you are just plain CRAZY, then I am going to allow you the opportunity to do the craziest thing you can do on this vessel.
"You and me, you psychotic bitch."
There was nothing but challenge in his voice and his eyes and his heart. And he threw them all wide for all Rinn's senses to experience. "`Request to be dismissed?!?'", he mocked. "No way in Hell! You are to report immediately to Holodeck 4. You will wait there until I arrive. At that point, we will proceed to beat the living daylights out of one another until YOUR problems are resolved!!"
Epic turned toward the window, shaking uncontrollably with genuine rage.
"I did my best for you, Brinn. Now, I'll do my worst!"