Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces" - Enroute (Brinn)

> <<Stardate: 47307.18-1622>>

> <<Observation Lounge>>

> "I did my best for you, Brinn. Now, I'll do my worst!"

Athalya Anne had calmed herself down. But there was one thing that was bothering her. This frigging asshole thought he 'knew her language'. She turned to him. "Of course, sir. You do that. And also, I do appreciate your charity." She let the scarcasm drip off her last word, and then turned to left. *If that fucking asshole thinks he knows my fucking 'language' so fucking well, why the fuck does he continue to offer 'sympathies and courtacies'. If that fucking asshole knows me so fucking well, he would have put me in a tent in 10 - Foreward and wouldn't give a danm when I lost my leg instead of offering that fucking cheezy sympathy. And now this fucking asshole wants me to kick his fucking ass. Fuck him.* She strode into the TL "Holodeck Four." she barked. *He thinks he knows me so fucking well. That fucking son of a bitch! My problems, fuck that! I'm not the one who fucking ordered my executive officer to beat the fucking shit out of me!*

She took deep breaths, trying to calm down as she exited the turbolift and found holodeck four. *He wants a fucking executive officer? I'll be the best danmed XO he's ever had and the biggest pain in the ass he's ever had. Fuck him! And I don't need his fucking sympathies and courtacies!*

LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn