Subject: Grail: 'Unexplored Spaces' - 'Drunken dreams'



He could see despair, pain and fear swirl before him. Not feel them, SEE them. The colors of the feelings themselves were before him, calling out to him, wanting him. He could feel conciousnesses beyond them, but he couldn't see them through the swirls of emotional colors. The were overwhelming and overbearing. Despair most of all was blocking out the others, like a tyrant getting rid of it's competitors. There was one emotion, however, that stood against it. As small as it was, it did not lose any ground to the powerful despair. It was hope. And he could see it reaching out to him.


<<Stardate: 47307.18- 11:07>>


François awoke with a start. His face was wet and cold. Was he sweating? Looking around, hew saw that he was in what looked like a military camp and standing before him was Jeb Kirby, holding an empty glass of water. François' mind was still clouded by the alcool, but he poker game slowly came back to him.

"Did... did I pass out?" he asked tentatively, trying to think straight.

"Dropped like a rock, Frenchie," said Kirby as he walked over to the sink and filled the glass with water. Walking back, he handed it to Francois, who accepted it and took a long drink. "You lasted longer than I thought you would, Lightweight," said the Chief, a grin on his face.

"Not long enough, it appears... I had the weirdest dream while I was out." DeMontigny said as he finished the glass.

Kirby laughed. "It's the booze, kid, it's the booze."

"Undoubtebly..." François tried to stand. Big mistake, he still had enough alcool in his system the make the world spin out of control.

"Could you give me a hand to get back to my quarters, s'il-vous-plaît?"

"Sure Frenchie. I think you've earned it." the marine answered as he helped DeMontigny to his feet before passing one of his arms over his shoulders. The two left the holodeck.

"I thought they taught you how to play cards in the marines..."

François teased as they headed for the turbolift, his feet dragging on the ground.

"Don't push your luck, kid." answered Kirby.

Joint post by

Lt.(jg) François DeMontigny and Chief Jeb Kirby