Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces"- Play Time (Fionn/ Brinn)

-=En route to Holodeck 1, 19:45=-

*Great. Just fringing great.* Athalya Anne inwardly swore as she strode to the holodeck after going to sickbay for detox and to pick up her new leg.

She had put off programming a program all day long. And now, she had fifteen minuets, if that. *Cummon, think, girlie.* An idea struck Athalya Anne.

Well, actually, it wasn't even her idea. It was her old CO/ XO's idea. He had been notorious for his training programs. Tosk had even challenged her to complete one, as her 'Test of Loyalty.' Which, coincidentally, she had passed. *So much for originality,* Athalya Anne thought as she began furiously tapping at the consult.

Fionn's meeting went well with his new Assistant as they discussed events which had transpired, including a few fatalities as well as the Major's accident, or act of bravery, 'which ever' Fionn though as he stepped out of the turbolift in his black workout suit. He carried what seemed to be a metal club, in his right hand and soon finally arrived to the Holodeck, he smiled at Athalya as she finished her programming.

"Good Evening Major." He replied.

"Please, we're off duty. Call me Athalya Anne." She took a breath, charging on before Fionn could respond, "Hunter or hunted?"

He smiled showing canine teeth, much like a cat would possess, "Humor me." Fionn replied.

"That, m'dear is exactly why we're here. Your choice?"

"Ladies first, but sometimes I think a Predator makes a better Prey." He replied still with his wicked grin.

Athalya Anne arched an eyebrow. "Very well, my prey, the object of the game," Athalya Anne called up a map of the area they would be sparring in. "This," she gestured to a cave, "Is where we shall begin." "That," Athalya Anne said as she gestured to a small hut, "Is where I have to get before you catch me. Only from there and right here," She pointed to the consult, "Are where the game can be ended. I have a fifteen minute head start."

Fionn glanced at it as she spoke." I guess I can give you that handicap since I notice you got a new leg, perhaps it will give you enough time to get the bugs out of it." Fionn replied.

Athalya Anne stomped on Fionn's leg. He grasped it in pain. "Oops. Must have been a bug." With that, she was off.

'Bitch' He thought, "Computer, begin count down." as the computer's female voice began to ring within the Holodeck.


13 min later

Athalya Anne looked around. For the last thirteen minuets, she had run in a dead sprint in as straight of a line that the ravine would allow. Now, it was time to shield herself. She wasn't going to try to evade Fionn. *Indeed* She thought as she pulled one of her knives out of her boot. *I'll fight with the last breath in my body.*

Fionn stood and waited patiently as he could feel the wild within him begin to grow itchy, lucky for him that his Koheen Ranger training had trained him against most environments as well as foes, he had certainly showed his abilities against a Dominion Scout Force that had infiltrated one of the Rangers Camps back on Travius V, soon he heard the computers voice 'BEGIN' as his footsteps became silent as he prowled forward, keeping an eye on his surrounds.

Athalya Anne peeped out of the cavern from atop the hillside she had positioned herself in. *Yeah... you keep looking....* He was right below her.... Almost time...

With a banshee like scream, Athalya Anne hurtled herself onto Fionn's back, kicking and biting and punching for all she was worth.

Fionn reacted as quick as Athalya's attack, but with only one problem as he felt her kick upon his back, using it to his advantage he rolled forward and stood up to face the Amazon of a woman. "Come little one, lets do this." He replied as his eyes showed more of a feral instinct. He lifted his strange weapon as a defensive/offensive position.

Athalya Anne circled Fionn and almost from nowhere produced a switchblade. *Why on earth am I so turned on?* She wondered, but paid it no heed. *I'll think about it later.*

A wild grin was etched upon Fionn's face as he came at her, he clearly had 3 1/2 ft of extra-length with his weapon. "Perhaps I'll let you wield an Nagata someday Thal." He replied as he had found a nickname for that long name of hers.

"Or perhaps I'll just take yours." She responded before she lunged at Fionn, scoring a hit to his knee.

"Arggggg" He replied as he swung low hitting her side as she heard a slight crack, but she knew her hit was more deadly. Backing away a little Fionn smiled as he turned the handle of his weapon as 4 three inch blades came out of his weapon, indeed the Nagata would make a Klingon do a double take.

Athalya Anne didn't let the weapon phase her. She'd think about it later. But what she did do was lunge again at Fionn's gut. He danced out of the way. *Great* Just the perfect distance for a round house kick. She executed one in perfect form, but he ducked, and she was rewarded with a sold blow to his shoulder.

Still he smiled, it was as if he enjoyed it more than Athalya did, "Nice Thal, real nice." He replied as he threw his weapon aside and took a stance. "If you want to throw kicks and punches I'm into that as well."

Athalya Anne arched an eyebrow as she tossed aside her blade. "Very well. This is, after all, the original version of combat."

"Well not really, Computer start program Delta One" He replied as four Klingons materialized around them. "That's original"

"Also cheating." Athalya Anne took a breath, "Computer, pause program." She strode up to Fionn, "I refuse to do combat with the dishonorable."

Fionn looks up at her, "What the hell are you babbling about, this is part of the workout, that would just show you how much of a honorable warrior you are, placing your difference aside to fight against a common foe, but hey, if your going to get bent out of shape then we can just take it out." He replied looking at her, keeping a low tone to his voice.

Athalya Anne took a deep breath, sensing Fionn's efforts to keep his temper under control. *Oops.* After 30 some odd years of being a Marine, she was paranoid, cut and dry. "I stand corrected." Athalya Anne backed away, her paranoid fears about being ganged up assuaged, "Resume program."

Fionn was leaped upon by the closest Klingon, who was clearly a foot taller than his own 6 foot frame, the two began rolling in the dirt, as the Klingon brandished his dagger towards Fionn's face.

The two fought, but the Klingon met his end to Fionn's claws as they slashed as his neck. Standing up he dashed with quickness to his Nagata, which laid a few yards away.

"Coward" Replied the Klingon as he came after Fionn, he wasn't as quick on his feet as Fionn was. He dove for his Nagata as he rolled grasping in keeping the blades away from his body he stood, blocking the incoming bat'leth. Although Fionn was strong, he wasn't a match for the Klingon's brute strength as he dodged the Klingon's undercut. Taking advantage of his clumsiness, he came around and lashed down upon his back, as the Klingon fell upon the ground imploded by the Nagata's two of the four blades. He turned to see how Thal was doing.

"Got it under control hon?" He replied as he noticed his slip up.

She picked up the head of the Klingon she had just beheaded and tossed it at Fionn. "Just peachy, darling."

"Now where were we?" He replied as he threw down his weapon and made a playful rush for her.

Athalya Anne, ignoring the fact that she was becoming more and more turned on, caught Fionn's arm and twisted it around his back as she danced out of his way. "I'd say somewhere between here," She jerked his arm up, "and here," she said as she used her 'super leg' to knock Fionn's feet out from under him.

Fionn's face fell into the dirt as he kept his wild smirk, the pain began to rush to him, but he ignored it, going limp under her grip.

"Surrender?" She asked as she tightened her hold on his arm. Fionn remained silent, it was as if he had passed out from the pain that she was giving him with her moves.

Athalya Anne waited, unsure of Fionn's status. She wasn't giving up, though. She had him where she wanted him.

Five minutes passed, nothing..

Athalya Anne rolled off of Fionn and backed away a meter or so.

He leaped up and smiled at her. "Playing dead is a wonderful thing, I'm very impressed you lasted that long." He replied as he back away, moving his shoulder and arm about as it cracked.

"I enjoyed laying on your back too much." she teased him.

"As I, but if I recall you have a hut to get to down you?" He replied looking at her with his cat-like green eyes. Fionn smiled with excitement, still his smile remained, he was enjoying this more than Athalya Anne could have guessed.

Athalya Anne let Fionn's eyes rake up and down her body. She stealthily moved towards him with an almost sensual grace. "I suppose it can wait, but," Athalya Anne produced another switch blade and held it at Fionn's neck, "If that's how you want to play....."

"Play nice, Thal" He whispered as he batted away the knife and leaped on her.

"Oh." Athalya Anne pouted prettily, "Do I have to?" She smiled up at Fionn as she rammed her knee between his legs.

Lucky for him he was wearing an old device known as a jockstrap, or the pain would had been more intense.

Athalya Anne took advantage of the chance she had and rolled herself on top of Fionn.

"Women" He whispered as he looked up at her, "Always want to be ontop."

"What took ya so long to figure it out?"

"Well I didn't know if you where a woman, or just a plain hard-ass Marine, glad you have both qualities." Fionn smiled up at her.

"Are you sure?" Athalya Anne seriously asked. "I'm more than willing to prove it to you, beyond a shadow of a doubt."

"That you are a woman, or a Marine."

"Both, of course."

She lowered her face to his. Once again, she was within two centimeters of his eyes.

Fionn smiled at her, "I think you have the next move." He replied with a sly grin.

Athalya Anne arched an eyebrow. She wasn't going to make the first move this time.

He looked up at her, "So what do you want to do, you have me where you want me."

"Well, now. Most of the thoughts that come to mind are rather erotic." She whispered, "However," Athalya Anne wrapped her hand around his neck and began to choke Fionn.

Fires burn within his eyes as he found inner strength that he was holding back, his hand clasped hers as his claws began to dig into her wrists as he fought for his life, he began to lift her hands off his throat, sure she had leverage, but never had she fought against a full blooded Koheen, or even a half-breed at that.

"Do you do this to all your Male Senior Officers." He replied as his faced etched in anger.

"No, only the good looking blondes." She quipped, demonstrating a memory of the night before.

Pushing her aside using his legs as well as his arms he rolled up to face her once more. Blood dripped slightly from the claw wounds he had done to her wrists. "A very interesting tactic." He smiled as if he noted that within the back of his mind. "It has been a long time since I've fought a woman on the battlefield."

"Poor dear." Athalya Anne ran her hands down Fionn's chest.

Grasping her hands he drew her close and kissed her, with almost the same primalistic fashion as the wild followed beyond his control.

Athalya Anne kissed him back, giving into her own needs and desires, completely oblivious to anything else. He held her close as he whispered into her ear, "I can't wait to face what's out there, with you beside me we could kick some butt." Athalya Anne merely silenced him with another kiss.


Lt.Maj. Athalya Anne Brinn and Lt. Fionn