Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces" : The Morning After
After his encounter with Major Brinn, Fion decided to have a coffee before his watch. Sitting at the table closests to the window, he watch the warp drawn starfield as he notice Lt. Donucci come through the doors, walking tothe Bartender she ordered herself a cup of coffee and sits at a table by herself.
Lt. Fionn had only been onboard for about 36 hours and had talked to Alison briefly during their Alpha Shift. From where Fion was sitting he was able to tell that the lieutenant was recovering from a rough night. Getting up from his table he walks over to where Alison was sitting. "Do you mind if I join you lieutenant?" Asked Fion as he pulled out a chair at her table.
Still clutching her cup of coffee with both hands ever so slowly Alison looks up at Fion through blood-shot eyes and somehow manages a smile. "Sure, just don't talk so loud."
"Wow, you must have really had yourself a good time lastnight." Fion interjected.
Takingg a sip of coffee Alison replies. "I'm really not sure what happened, I don't seem to be able to remember much." The statement causes an involuntary grin from her.
"Well lieutenant, what do you think of the Grail so far?" "The crew does seem to be a bit eccenntric." Alison continues then does her best to look interested as she waits for Fion to answer.
"Yes, I had my chance to meet up with both the Captain, and the lovely Major Brinn." He whispered as he smiled at the CFO, "However, I'm glad to be here, even if it was either this, or a Prison Camp." He smirk slightly as he took a drink of his coffee, "So tell me, what do you think of the ship and its very different crew?"
"I haven't gotten to know them very well as of yet, but they do seem to rise to the occation when needed." Alison closes her eyes as the the headache she has as a reminder of Rinn's influence on her. Looking into Fions green eyes Alison wounders aloud. "So what's your story for being asigned to the Grail?" "Most of this crew is here because they seem to be unwelcomed elsewhere."
"My story is pretty much the same Ali, the Federation rescued the Craft I was in after I went AWOL. I was a Koheen Ranger fighting to protect my people, but the Rakasha changed all that." He replied as he seems to stare off in rememberance, closing his eyes he shook his head returning to reality. "My service record for the Federation was always outstanding, as well as my awards and medals, they offered me the Grail or Prison on some remote outpost, and that's how I got here, what about you Alison, what skeletons are in your closet?" He asked with a slight smirk.
"Lets just say my temper got the best of me." Alison replies then takes a drink of her coffe before continuing. "I was also given a choice, I could either become chief flight control officer of the Grail or I could sit behind a desk for the rest of my Starfleet career." Alison looks down into her coffee cup and sees the distorted imahe of herself.
"Some choice huh?"
For the first time Alison wounders why Starfleet would ever put together such a band of misfits. The feeling she gets while thinking about it doesn't set well with her.
Fionn just smiled at her, "Well I'm glad you made it, I wouldn't have anyone other at my Helm if I was a Captain." He replied with a sly smirk. "Anyways, I have to get to work Ive got watch in a few minutes, perhaps a meeting in the Holodeck, no its not a date, its just a meeting."
Alison manages a smile and says, "perhaps.." and watches as Lt. Fion gets uo from the table and leaves ten forward. Alison resumes nursing her cup of coffee.
Lt. Fion
Lt. Donucci