Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces"-`Arrest Warrant'

`Arrest Warrant'

by Lt. Logan Castle

Chief of Security

<Stardate: 47307.19- 08:45>


This was certainly a `first' for Logan Castle. He had never taken a

statement from an Emergency Medical Hologram before. But the memory

files of the EMH were admitted as supporting evidence that the

individual believed to be Taralak of Starfleet Intelligence had

attempted the homicide of Dr. Oku Ramin.

It was also a matter of recorded fact that the Doctor had employed

the EMH to incapacitate the Romulan imposter before said imposter took

his own life by ingestion of a deadly toxin.

And as Ens. Piotr Dimitri and Kwan Lo Pan removed the corpse for

disposal, Castle completed his report and labelled the official

investigation `Closed'.

He looked to Dr. Ramin as he lay there in a fever-induced delirium.

He hoped the man would pull through. Castle respected the ingenuity of

the man. "That was pretty damned slick, Doc.", Castle said to the

insensate physician.

"Thank you.", replied the EMH.

"Not you.", Castle laughed in response.

"Oh.", the EMH replied. "Why is that funny?"

Castle regarded the EMH with a small smile. He patted the `mans'

shoulder and replied, "It just is, Doc. It just is."

Before the EMH could continue the dialogue, Castles communicator

chirped. =^=Lt. Donucci to Security. Please locate Lt. jg Francois

DeMontigny and escort him to the brig, charges will be pending.=^

Castle raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Acknowledged, Lieutenant.

Is DeMontigny armed?"

=^=Negative.=^=, came Donuccis reply.

"Computer. Locate Lt. jg Francois DeMontigny.", he ordered.

=^=Lt. jg Francois DeMontigny is in turbolift 8.=^=, the computer

promptly responded.

Castle nodded. "Computer. Halt turbolift 8. Security Override

Charlie Omega Pi Two Seven Six. Redirect turbolift 8 to Deck 38. Do not

open until I manually input my security code."


<Deck 38>

Castle stood outside the turbolift with En. Vohck T'Arna at his

side. She had been somewhat difficult to be around since the incident on

the Indiana, but she was dedicated to her duties.

"Remember. We're just detaining him pending charges." T'Arna looked

at him, a serrated smile spreading.

Castle used the door commpanel to enter his security code. The

doors opened. DeMontigny stood inside.

"Lt. DeMontigny. You are being detained by the orders of your

departmental superior pending formal charges. Please step out of the

turbolift and surrender yourself into custody." Castle sighed after his

speech. "Are you going to offer any resistance, Lieutenant?", he asked.

Both Castle and DeMontigny heard T'Arna whisper, "Please say


<<OOC: Figured I'd leave it like that in case Francois wanted to do

anything crazy.>>

Lt. Logan Castle

Chief Security Officer, USS Grail