Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces"-`Going up the river'
<Stardate: 47307.19- 08:50>
<Turbolift 8>
"Deck 2" François ordered the turbolift.
The doors shut behind him and he felt the lift heading upwards.
DeMontigny smiled to himself. He had held his own against Donucci and
had left he hanging dry when he left the holodeck. Now the ball was in
her court, he wondered if she would go through with...
Suddenly the lift stopped. A moment later, it started downward.
'Well, it looks like the Lt. wasn't bluffing...' François thought to
himself. He had read in her eyes that she wasn't, but for some reason,
he didn't believe it. He smiled to himself again. Donucci had character,
he had to give her that. But all the character in the world didn't
change the fact that the modifications he did to the navigational
shields were brilliant, despite the fact that he had 'forgotten' to
mention them to the Lt. beforehand.
The lift stopped on deck 38, but the doors didn't open and François
hadn't expected them too. He would have to wait for a security
detachment to arrive. He unslung Betsy from his back and played a few
chords while he waited. This wasn't the first time he has problems with
a superior, and it propably won't be the least either, but going to the
brig was definately a first. 'I wonder if I'll have a nice cell...'
François was thinking to himself when the turbolift doors finally
opened. Before him was standing an imposing Klingon female and the Chief
of Security himself, Lt. Logan Castle. François was flattered that they
were taking out the big guns for him.
"Lt. DeMontigny. You are being detained by the orders of your
departmental superior pending formal charges. Please step out of the
turbolift and surrender yourself into custody." Castle sighed after his
speech. "Are you going to offer any resistance, Lieutenant?", he asked.
DeMontigny heard the klingon whisper, "Please say `yes'."
"Je m'excuse Ensign," François answered with his usual mocking
grin, "As much I like to please women, I know when not to fight. Can I
at least keep Betsy?" he asked Castle, motioning to his guitar.
"I'm sorry Lt., but I can't allow you to bring any personal items"
the Lt. answered.
François hesitated. He didn't want to give Betsy to anybody, but
there was no way Castle would let him return to his quarters. He looked
the Lt. over. He looked trustworthy enough... and it wasn't as if
François had a choice. Sighing, he hadn't him the red and white guitar.
"I surrender myself into your custody Lt. Be careful with Betsy
though, she's an antique and... irreplaceable." he said.
OOC: Now where did I put my get-out-of-jail-free card?
Lt.(jg) François DeMontigny
Assistant Chief of Flight Control and new resident Jail Bird
USS Grail NCC 1124