Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces"-'Relieved'

<<Stardate: 47307.18- 09:00>>

<<Deck 5- VIP Accommodations>>

"En. Charr. You are relieved of this assignment. Report to your shift commander.""

A smile crept up on Tifa's face as she nodded to her captain and headed down the hall. If Terrakian and Trellor had been talking, she could have heard them through the door by concentrating a bit. But they had been yelling and she hadn't missed a single word.

'So the bastard's been reading my mind, eh?' she thought to herself, 'Can you read this, you spying bastard? Yeah, I'm talking to you Doc! There's a reason why my head is a closed sphere, you mind-reading son of a bitch, what's in there is private and stays that way. If you ever read my mind again, I'll read your guts, just before feeding them to ya!'

Tifa tried to calm herself. She was on duty, it wasn't the time to let her emotions run rampant.

"Computerrr," she said out loud, "locate Lt. Castle."

=^=Lt. Castle is presently in Sickbay. =^=

The Caitian entered the turbolift and ordered it to deck 12. When the doors opened again, Lt. Castle walked in. He seemed surprised to see Tifa.

"Ensign Charr, why aren't you at your post?" he asked.

"Captain Terrrrakian relieved me. I was on my way to rrreport to you." Tifa answered.

"Very well then, report."

"I relieved En. Norrrden from guard duty at 0800 hourrrs. Captain Terrrakian arrived at around 0845 and relieved me ten minutes later."

"And captain Trellor?" asked Castle.

"According to the Captain, he tamperrred with his communication's terrrminal. He also admitted to having read my and Captain Terrrrakian's minds. The Captain offerrred him the post of counselor. However, I rrrecommend keeping him under surveillance and assigning some telepaths to watch him."

It was obvious in her voice that she did not like the man.

Ensign Tifa Charr

Security officer, USS Grail