Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces" - "Holographic Psychology"


OOC: Welcome, "Krosshair". Wish you the best and enjoy it.


Oku opened his eyes. The glare of the environmental lights on SickBay

blinded him at first, but then that glare went out from his eyes as he

turned his face to the left. He regained his sight spectrum.

Then Oku tried to sit. He couldn't manage it. Pain was somewhat

imprisoning there, in the sides, face and ankle. He touched his face and

felt no swelling, no temperature, and no scar. Then the memories of the

fight flashed his mind.=20

The memory of the kick in his face came as a flash and went out just as

it came. Oku paralyzed. Looked to nowhere, then moved his hand slowly to

his spleen. Another memory of being kicked there flashed and went out.

He looked at his hands. They just looked the same, but they were, this

time, different. He saw his hands with an expression of fear, fear to

the unknown. Memory flash: this time he remembered himself calling the

damned hologram, no longer damned to him. Then he remembered his father

and the two million souls forgiving him.

A tear came down Oku's right cheek as he gained some strength to sit up.

Then he took a look around, noticing that the Alpha shift was there,

including the good Dr. Ramius, Dr. St. Claire and a couple of nurses.

But they were too busy, Oku thought, to pay attention to a stupid doctor

who felt an Ambujitsu black-belt fighter with Rommies.

He pitied the Romulan. But he felt that the Romulan was not the point of

his attention. He suspected the bastard since the first moment the

Rommie came to the blood sampling, seeing that the antibodies were full

Romulan ones, but having partial effect. Oku didn't tell anybody about

that because he didn't want to panick himself of panicking the others.

"What if it hadn't been so?" he thought. But, as I say, he didn't care

about the bastard.

What he had in mind is that the hatred he had until then had gone away.

He no longer hated the Alpha shift (I mean the schedule itself), nor the

Emergency Holographic Doc, and surprisingly nor the Horusians. The truth

is, he didn't even hate himself for that.

What, what was the miracle that brought this poor guy back to life as we

know it? We do know, my friends, but he didn't want to believe it. Of

course he did, but his so-called "scientific, methodologic rational

thought" was a pain there where you feel it the most, and he just needed

someone to tell him "Hey, Oku, you are right! You didn't imagine that!"

But if he told someone, who would ever believe him? Dr. Ramius? Maybe,

but he didn't want to be looked as "mystic" or weirdo. The nurses? Nah,

they wouldn't give a cent to take him into account for sharing those

experiences. A counselor? Nope, too analytic, would say that his

subconscious part played him that game because when he was a child and

the whole transference theory and the loneliness would concentrate...

just bull.=20

A nurse noticed Oku and warned everyone around him about the fact that

the "patient" was leaving (or living, if you want to use the term),

which was not true. But then the nurse was sent by the docs to see what

happens and tie the "patient" to the bed if needed.

Oku looked to the nurse, transmitting the idea with his eye expression

that he was just fine, but the guy came approaching.

"Dr. Ramin, please lay down! You are not all right yet!" sad the nurse,

shyly and trying to be compliant to his superior.

"I'm all right, man" answered Oku, calmly.

"He's calm! Poor bastard, the Rommie hit him hard" thought the nurse,

who knew Oku just a few days ago, enought to meet that Thairian and know

that he hated everything around him.

Oku felt the nurse's surprise. Then he hardened his expression and said

"I say I am all right!"

The poor nurse went back to the doc's station, and seemingy told Dr.

Ramius something, alarmed, as Pku could see through the glass. He saw

that Dr. Ramius, in response, moved his hand in a gesture of "Bah! leave

him alone, there." The nurse shrugged and continued his duty.

Oku felt the urge to activate the EMH. He just wanted to speak to

someone, no matter if the person who was going to be addressed to wasn't


" 'puter" said Oku, dizzily, due to the effect of the opioids " activ'

'mergency holo doc, 'thorizashon Ramin too oopsilun shurkee

"Unable to recognizer command. Please repeat"



The figure materialized.

"What is the emergency, Doctor Ramin?" asked the hologram.

"Just wan' to thank ye, pal" replied Oku

"The request you made is not considered an emergency according to my


"Fer mee, 'tis"

"Then I shall update my list. The problem is that I am not programed to

proceed in such a situation"

"Yoo just lissn! Dut's all ye gonna do."

"Listen to what?"

"Lissn to ME! Errythin' I say!"

"Instructions clear, Dr. Shall I proceed?"

Oku gesticulated "Maike it soh, numb'r won" and laughed quietly.

"I wanna thank you"- proceeded Oku, trying to feel as if he were

understood "fer saivn' ma life. I hated you, ol' bastard, reflection of

sumwon, but now I luv ye. And I don' care if ye take eet or not, but

know I luv ye. Rrilly. If it wern't fer ye, I won' bee heer toakeen te


Then Oku heard "You're welcome"

Oku, who was looking down, raised his sight to the hologram, finding

that it had changed shape and clothes, to white dress and white beard.

The new figure smiled, then vanished. Oku shook his head, and then

replied, as soon as he saw the holodoc again:

" 'puter, en' proagraam"

The ugly guy vanished.

Oku cried silently in despair.

OOC: If anyone knows a counselor aboard this ship who's willing to hear

to this nuts, please notify me.

Alfonso aka Oku Ramin