Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces" - 'Data Gathering'

<Stardate: 47307.19- 11:00>

<Deck 13>

Mirka Tzavaras stretched before her computer. It had been another

rich day in data for her research. This crew was certainly interesting.

She smiled, thinking back on the events that had happened since she

first came onboard. Her best career move, even though most people deemed

it was her last, was definately volunteering for civilian research on

the USS Grail.

First of all, their 'doomed' mission put everyone on board in a

fascinating state of mind. Well, at least from a psychologist's point of

view, she wouldn't like to be the captain though. The personnel, from

what she gathered in the recreational areas, was insecure, demoralized

and downright scared. She dreaded the long weeks that seperated them

from their next stop. The inactivity could only worsen things. And that

was without mentioning the senior crew who were a mess, to put it

lightly. According to the rumors she heard, when they weren't dead

drunk, they were either beating the crap out of each other or in the

brig. Well, rumors were always exagerated... weren't they? She hadn't

yet found a way to get close enough to the senior officers to include

them in her research. For now, gossip was all she had.

OOC: Hi all!

Dr. Mirka Tzavaras

Civilian Psychologist