Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces"- "The Future Repeats Itself, Too"

<<Stardate: 47307.20- 09:45>>


Epic Terrakian entered Sickbay, allowing himself to feel the

ambient emotions around him. It was a subtle flavor of anxiety and

determination, with a seasoning of fear. The viral infection was not

spreadig rapidly, but with the potential cure yet so far away, some were

becoming... concerned.

Epic approached the bed of Doctor Oku Ramin. The man was covered in

a sheen of perspiration, but seemed to be sleeping soundly. He left him

be, even though he had come here to talk to the man specifically. But

that was also just an excuse to see how the ship was `feeling'. Epic had

a full tour planned for today. This was just the first stop.

Suddenly, a growing fear grabbed his attention. He turned to face

the writhing form of Kestra Prynne. She, too, was sweating profusely.

However, she did not sleep soundly. She was gripped by a nightmare.

Epic moved beside her and took her hand. It was warm, but not fever

hot. As he closed her smaller hand inside his, he started in a

paralyzing paroxysm. And suddenly, he could `see' her nightmare.

And a shiver of recognition shook him as he remembered this scene

from his time spent with Kestra aboard the USS Nova. He had been trying

to help her learn the use of her empathic powers when they had both

discovered an unusual phenomenon. Together, they had seen a ghost.

And that ghost had been Kestra Prynne.

It had been surmised by many that what they had seen was a phantasm

drawn from their collective minds to frighten them. Some had called the

apparition a `Doomsayer', suggesting that it was a reflection of a

probable future. And others still had implied that it was a device

employed by Terrakian himself to manipulate Kestra. The latter, though,

was untrue, and suggested a power Epic simply did not possess.

But, whatever it was, it was a very real and very repetitive

nightmare for Kestra. And there were moments, as the vision cycled

through her subconscious, that Epic could see himself. During such

times, he could almost `sense' the emotions of the other Epic. It made

him shiver to consider that he might be experiencing another Epic. But,

he could not perceive it with any degree of clarity. Thank the Four


Because if he did indeed sense the emotions of a presence that was

not Kestra or himself, then the possibility existed that there was

indeed an extra-Kestra-ial influence. But, he could not prove it with

his own senses. And he couldn't disprove it. And the possibilities

scared him.

As he stood there, sharing Kestras misery, he realised that she was

going to need help dealing with the emotional burden of these visions.

He also realised that he might not be the best able to help her. In

fact, he might be directly related to the problem.

Besides, he was no Counselor. But, then, the Grail had none. The

Deltan Lorelei had fallen victim to the viral contamination and seemed

to be more seriously affected than the rest of the crew. And `Doc'


Well, Epic did not consider his plans for Trellor. Not while he was

touching Kestras mind.

This ship needed a Counselor. Epic would have to bend some effort

toward appointing one. Someone amongst the crew must have some


Epic almost collapsed as Kestras nightmare once again showed her

her own destruction. Epic knew there was nothing he could to to stop the

nightmares, but maybe he could drive them away for a while.

Once, long ago, he had sang to Kestra in her mind, to calm her. The

song had been sung again, and many times thereafter, to sooth the

anguished infant Kaede. Epic had always called it Magdas Lullabye in his

mind. And he sang it for her again.

And from the depths of her delirium, Kestra responded. On a

subconscious level, she sensed the comfort it offered and embraced it.

and as the nightmare faded from her mind, her thoughts embraced Epics as

would a lover, and she fell blissfully and soundly asleep in the strong

comfort of her husband. And as she slept, she remembered all the love

they had shared before he died at the hands of the Borg when they....

Epic yanked his hand away from Kestra. All the fear that she had

felt was his now and he could barely contain it. Panting and sweating,

Epic took staggered steps out of Sickbay.

He needed to be alone.