Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces"- `Red Line'
<<Stardate: 47307.20- 10:30>>
<<Main Engineering>>
Epic exited the turbolift onto Deck 36. He proceeded directly to
Main Engineering. The activity level was high in this area and the
people in performance were a study in efficiency. Epic considered that
when he had looked at the roster for this crew, he had some reservations
about the incredible racial mix. He thought Security would be breaking
up fistfights as a daily routine.
He was pleased to find that this was not the case.
And he knew that Janice Hargen and Kaitlyn Brennan were responsible
for the success here. If only there was some meaningful way to reward
them for their effort. `Oh. I know.', Epic thought. `I'll lead them to
their dooms.'
With a mock nod of self-satisfaction, Epic searched for Lt.
Commander Janice Hargen. He went to her office and found her working on
her daily report. It was obvious that the `paperwork' was not
entertaining her.
She looked up at him and smiled. Epic returned the smile and stood
there uncomfortably for a moment. Then, remembering that he was Captain
Dracula for crying out loud, he asserted his commanding air. Janice
laughed politely at the charade. He shrugged.
"I have to impose on your staff again, Janice."
She squinted at him, but waited to hear what he wanted this time.
"A viral infection is starting to spread on the ship. It is a
bacterium introduced by our exposure to Romulan weaponry. We are
fortunate that a possible solution to the problem is on our direct
flight path, but time is becoming critical."
Janice watched him steel himself for the next part.
"In order to decrease the time of our arrival at planet Kerestia, I
am going to need a sustained warp 9 for the duration. The calculations
that Flight Control has offered me will put us on the Galactic Westside
of the Great Brightness in 11 days at that speed. Once we achieve the
starcluster, we'll have to play it by ear."
Janice grimaced. The ship had never been shaken down. And in less
than a week, it had been exposed to the stress that ships that were well
`broken in' received, sometimes without success.
She threw up her hands in a `We'll do what we can' gesture.
"Also...", Epic winced in mock humor, realising he was pushing it.
"I'm going to need a probe modified to weather the gravimetric exertions
it will be forced to endure. I won't sail this craft into the Great
Brightness without some information. Please work with Lt. Mallory in
Sciences to affect these requirements. The Cloaking Device takes second
priority to this. We need to get to Kerestia, or people will start
Janice nodded in acknowledgement. Epic grimaced. "I am going to
issue a `General Quarters' warning shortly. For the duration of this
flight, I want to minimize exposure to the viral contamination. This
will not affect you in any real way, so I do not expect you to adhere to
this general order."
Janice nodded.
"Well, I've babbled on for a while and imposed upon you
dramatically. Is there anything you need? Can I be of help?"