Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces"- `General Quarters'
<<Stardate: 47307.20- 12:30>>
<<Main Bridge>>
Captain Epic Terrakian sat quietly considering the kaleidescope of
hyperspace as the Grail moved toward the The Great Brightness star
cluster. Even though life on the ship had settled into the semblence of
a routine, there was nothing routine about it. Things were coming
The viral contamination caused by the Romulan weapons was starting
to become contagious. This, in itself, was a serious consideration. Only
the barest twang of guilt invaded his thoughts. He squashed it out
easily. He had had no choice but to combat the Romulans. The Indiana was
attacked. It was the only thing he could do.
Epic had made a point of not requesting updates on the progress of
assimilating the Romulan Cloaking Device. He felt he could trust those
who worked on it. When there was something to report, they would report
Epic hoped they COULD get it to work. If they couldn't, then he
sent a man to his death for nothing.
Francois DeMontigny was `cooling off' down in the Brig, only a few
hours after Jarel Deschaine had vacated it. He wondered if Deschaine was
going to join Eve Mallorys team or not. He hoped so.
There was still the problem of there being no Ships Counselor. That
was a thing that required immediate attention. When you take all the
Federations sociopaths and put them all on a closed vessel and send them
away for good, even the most anti-social will need SOMEONE to talk to.
And as Epic considered all the possibilities, there was only one of a
thousand who was qualified to accept the responsibility.
IF... she would accept the responsibility.
Epic decided that he would next pay a visit to Ms. Mirka Tzavaras.
But, there was something he needed to do first.
"Lt. Fionn. Open a shipwide channel.", Epic ordered.
"Channel open.", the Koheen responded.
"To All Grail Residents:
"Due to a viral contamination that is spreading throughout the
ship, a `General Quarters' order is in effect as of now. This order will
last indefinitely, until the contamination can be contained and
eliminated. Prepare for a restriction that will last as long as a week.
Possibly two.
"All duty schedules will remain unchanged. However, all non-duty
personnel are likewise restricted to quarters.
"Any who exhibit the following symptoms: Fever, dizziness, nausea,
gastro-intestinal distress, asthmatic constriction, or vomitting;
contact Sickbay via comm-link. A Medical Staffer will visit you in
quarters. Responses will be determined by report sequence priority.
Expect to be patient.
"Any crewmember with medical training should report to Sickbay for
possible volunteer efforts, if needed.
"If there are any non-medical needs that must be addressed, contact
Security. Additional personnel are being activated to accomodate these
needs. But, remember, these measures are in response to this emergency.
Only emergencies should require this attention.
"Again, due to a viral contamination, a `General Quarters' order is
immediately in effect. Your cooperation is required and your patience
"Thank you. Captain Terrakian out."
Fionn closed the Channel.
Epic sighed in weariness as he rose. "Lt. Fionn. You have the
Epic moved to the turbolift. It was time to visit Ms. Mirka
Tzavaras. She was going to be needed soon. He just hoped she would be
willing to help.
<<OOC: A `General Quarters' order will barely affect player character
actions, but will change the ambient atmosphere of the Grail for a
while. Corridors will be deserted. The 10 Forward Lounge will be pretty
empty. The Mess Hall will be minimally staffed. It will create more of a
mood than a problem. Of course, even Senior Officers must adhere to
these orders, but knowing you guys, it will probably be rebuffed.
However, it will set the atmosphere a little differently for a while. I
also want to move time ahead a little faster, so, let's get to the Great
Brightness. Thanks all.>>