Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces"-"Searching for Components and Knowledge part 3"

A Joint post by:

Bartender Tony Verde

LtComm Janice Hargen

<<Stardate 47307.18, 10:35>>

Janice shrugged to herself. "Well, I guess I could spare someone for a

little bit..." She ran through the list of the crew in her mind. "How's

Ensign Charlotte Koscearny? She's amazingly good at things like that. And

she's on duty now..."

"Again I appreciate your assistance CDR, I will try to finish getting the

parts in as little time as possible. If there any thing I can help you with

at this time, or in the future, don't hesitate to ask. I'm happy to be able

to do this. I wasn't sure how much assistance I might get or even if you

would permit me to do it," said Tony.

"As to what materials would be valuable.. I honestly have no idea, Tony.

Perhaps Kyp Firespray, our current ambassador to the Delta Quadrant would be

of more assistance. To tell you the truth, I honestly haven't had time to

even investigate the area thoroughly. Or perhaps Eve Mallory would

know..." As Janice brought up Eve's name, her mind wandered back to their

last conversation.. in Science Lab 4. She needed to have a talk with her...

"CDR., I'll get out of your way now. I hope to work with you more in the

future. I'll speak with Ensign Koscearny on my way out. Have a good day,

and don't forget to come visit me in my office sometime," Tony said with a

grin as he turned and left the office.