Subject: [GRAIL] "Unexplored Spaces" - 'A Marine Funeral'
[Written by Chief Kirby, w/ contributions from Lt. Castle, Capt.
Terrakian, and Lt.Maj. Brinn]
Stardate 47307.19, 06:32; Jefferies Tube 26B
The pair of engineers made their way through the narrow tube,
dragging their tool kit behind them. Soon, they had reached the section
in question. "I tell you what," said one to the other, "I hate these damn
tubes, I --," but the sentence was dropped and left hanging in midair. A
dark shape was secured against the wall, covered in a material that the
tricorder reported deflected sensor sweeps. The smell coming from the
bundle made the engineers gag.
07:03, Morgue Facility
Doctor Ramius sealed the cover that enveloped the body. Two men
stood behind him. Security Chief Castle and Jeb Kirby, the Marine Chief.
"Do you have an approximate time of death?" questioned Castle.
"Yes," said Ramius, nodding and rubbing his chin. "I'd put it
about an hour before Taralak attacked Doctor Ramin. He is also the
culprit in this murder."
Castle visibly stiffened at the mention of the half-Romulan's
name. The Doctor continued.
"Taralaks' DNA was found all over the body. The death wound was
caused by a knife, tipped with a very toxic and aggressive nerve agent
that acted almost instantaneously. The Lieutenant was able to see the
attack and raise enough of a struggle to get DNA evidence all over
himself, even under his fingernails."
Kirby had been silent during the autopsy, but spoke. "Lieutenant
Marritza is now dead. I will begin preparations for a funeral. We also
lost Private Alexander Longstreet. This bastard Taralak was responsible
for his death when we seized the cloaking device from the warbird. If you
would make the bodies ready, I'll plan the ceremony for this evening."
With a nod to the two officers, Kirby walked out of the morgue.
Kirby sat back and looked at the last draft of the message he
intended to send to the Captain, the XO, and Lt. Castle.
<< This message is to make the command staff aware of the deaths of two
Marine personnel on the Grail. The first, Private Alexander Longstreet,
was killed during the Marine assault on the Romulan Warbird. The second
is First Lieutenant Thomas Marritza, second officer of the Marine
contingent. I respectfully request that Auxillary shuttlebay two be
prepared for this ceremony. I have attached the specifications to this
message, and wish to extend my invitation for attendance to you officers,
due to either your positions on the Grail or your connections to the
Starfleet Marine Corp. The ceremony will begin promptly at 19:00 hours>>
Kirby drew his hands together in a praying position and tapped the
tips against one another. He pressed the 'send' key.
<<Main Bridge>>
Epic read the report twice. He didn't know what to think about
Thomas Marritzas death. If he had been murdered, and his murderer was
still on the loose, he might have excersized some anger or vengeance.
But, the Marine LT's murderer was killed before his victim was even
discovered. All Epic could do was stifle his impotent rage and consider
the man.
"Terrakian to Security. Go to the quarters of Lt. Thomas Marritza
and have his cat brought to my quarters. And feed it.... something.
Terrakian out."
This was not the first time Epic had shared a bunk with `Snowball'.
The first time was aboard the Nova. Epic didn't want to think about it.
Tapping at his comm-padd, Epic replied to Kirbys message. "I'll be
there.", was all it said.
--19:00 hours, Auxillary Shuttlebay Two--
The two coffins sat on the raised dais in the center of the large
room, the Marine Corp Flag draped over both of them. The entire Marine
detachment stood at attention, the honor guard of seven men stood apart
the rest, holding the antique rifles that had been made available for the
funeral itself. Chief Warrant Officer Kirby stood before the two coffins,
resolute in his demeanor.
The only starfleet officers present at the ceremony stood
across from the honor guard, all in their dress uniforms. Kirby looked to
the Lieutenant Major to start the ceremony.
*Gods.* Athalya Anne blandly thought. She hadn't bothered to prepare
this. *Great. My first impromptu eulegoy.* Fighting off the urge to say
'Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears, I've come to bury Caeser,
to praise him.', Athalya Anne took a deep breath and began. "2Lt Thomas
Marritza and Pvt Alexander Longstreet weren't outstanding people, to the
outside eye. But they have become part of an elite class of people. A
of people who died willingly for what they believed in." Athalya Anne
realizing how cheezy it sounded, but how much it needed to be said, "Where
they are now remains to be seen, but whereever they are, they are far
off now than they were in life, because, they gave their lives for the
intangible ideal called command, for this ship, and...." Athalya Anne
letting her eyes roam the room. "For us." She paused for another second
longer, "And perhaps Marritza and Longstreet really weren't outstanding
people. But they have done what we can only hope to do." Inwardly, she
laughing. The whole thing sounded like such a crock, but outwardly, she
as grave as the dead. "Some may see that as a tragedy. Some may sob over
their deaths. But not us. We musen't mourn for them because they have
fufiled their purpose in life as well as death." She paused. *Dear god,
babbling.* That was the problem with her impromptu speeches. They tended
to go way over time. "If anyone else has anything to say," Athalya Anne
gestured for the next speaker, "Do so now."
Castle looked first at the bodies of the fallen, then to the
`family' gathered around. He straightened his shoulders and nodded,
saying, "Lt. Tom Marritza. Private Alexander Longstreet. They are
Marines. Never should that be forgotten."
The captain took a breath and spoke. "I served with Thomas Marritza
aboard the Nova for over a year. In
that time, our departments cooperated enough for me to realize that I
saw the man every day, and yet I know almost nothing about him. He was a
private man. A good man. He will be missed.
"And Private Alexander Longstreet I didn't know at all. But what I
do know is: He died fighting the Enemy. In the words of the Klingon
:`Dh'ak tho'ma D'rai eltra, Dh'ak tho'ma Gorok eltra'. It means: He died
in battle, he died in honor. Commit these men to the Galaxy. And may all
the Gods remeber their names and their sacrifices."
Kirby stepped forward one full step, bringing himself closer to
the vessels holding the bodies. Taking a deep breath, he began. "There
is no greater honor that can be bestowed upon a Marine than to die in the
service of Starfleet. These two Marines have given all that they could in
the line of duty."
"We commit the remains of these intrepid Marines to the stars from
whence their wills were forged." Kirby saluted, and the rest of those
assembled followed suit. He spun on his heel and then rejoined the rank
and file. He triggered a small device he held in his hand, and a small
repulsor system triggered on the bottom of the coffins. Taps began to
play as the coffins floated through the opening and out into space. As
they exited, the honor guard fired three shots each into the air, the
echoes reverberating around the room.
The Marines all maintained their salute until the firing was over.
All at once, the salutes were dropped. The honor guard rejoined the rest
of the Marines, falling into position and forming two rows of men.
"Marines! Right face!" barked Kirby. "Parade March!" Slowly,
methodically, the Marines marched around and past the raised stage, past
the officers that were there. Each of them marched past, their heads
turned towards the officers as they moved by.
And with that last solemn show of respect, the funeral was over.