Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces"-'Two Cops'
`Two Cops'
by Lt. Logan Castle
<Deck 12>
"...The Captain offerrred him the post of Counselor. However, I rrrecommend keeping him under surveillance and assigning some telepaths to watch him."
It was obvious in her voice that she did not like the man.
Castle listened to Tifa Charrs report and considered all she had said. He had to trust the instincts of his people. Especially those with keener instincts, like Charr.
"I will get the Captains take on this Trellor fellow as well as reviewing his Starfleet records again. Unfortunately, the guys an SI ghost. Half his file is sealed with red tape. Of course, that's true of most of the folks here."
They nodded together in agreement of that point.
As they stood there, neither entering the turbolift, nor stepping away from it, it stayed open. Castle was about to enter and seek out Eve Mallory. But, she had not sought him out since they parted company on the Indiana almost 24 hours ago, so he resisted. She was a skittish one. If he was too aggressive, he'd scare her away.
That couldn't possibly be true of Tifa Charr though. And that thought gave him an idea.
"Ensign Charr. Since we are not on alert and we are on duty, I think a training exercise is not out of order. Let's spar, you and me. Let's make it a `stalk and kill' exercise."
Castle could tell by the way she showed her pointed teeth that the idea appealed to the Caitan. He knew it would. He also couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen her somewhere before. But the last time he saw a Caitan, this young one would have been only a child.
He shrugged, leading her to the Holodecks not far away.
"I'll even let you pick the environment.", Castle offered.
"Mistake number one, sirrr.", Tifa purred with a smile
Lt. Logan Castle
Chief Security Officer, USS Grail
"Welcome to the Jungle,
It gets worse here every day.
You learn to live like an Animal,
In the Jungle where we play..."
Guns and Roses- `Welcome to the Jungle'