Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces -" "Late for the Match - Late for the Lunch"

<<Stardate: 47307.19 - 9:15>>


"Where the hell is that damn DeMontigny? He was supposed to be here 15

minutes ago!" Corvette was furiously pacing up and down the fencing mat,

waiting for him to appear.

"Computer locate Lt. (Jg) DeMontigny"

- Lt. (jg) François DeMontigny is currently on the brig -

"Well, that's a run away from a fight! Computer why is he on the brig?"

- Subject has been detained by order of Lt. Allison Donucci -

"Computer, specify on which charges has been detained." Corvette asked.

- Subject has been detained pending charges. -

"Computer, what kind of charges are we talking about. Speculate on available


- Charges most likely to be brought against him are:

* Acting without orders

* Unlawful tampering of Computer Systems on possible grounds of sabotage

* Unlawful tampering of Primary Weapon Systems, specifically on the

navigational shields, on possible grounds of sabotage

* Conduct umbeckoning of a starfleet officer

* Insubordination

* Dissobeyance of a direct order without proper course or reason -

"Well, you might add making wait the Chief of Operations for a formal

meeting. Computer, send a message to Logan Castle."

- Recording -

"Mr. Castle. I just found out about Mr. DeMontigny's offenses. I'd like to

be updated on the situation on an hourly basis. Also, for all I care, that

kid can stay on the brig for as long as you want, until he rots and changes

his attitude. He seems to be repeating the same thing he went under in 2367,

2372 and 2373. If that doesn't make him change, I have a few methods of

teaching him a few manners and protocols. Hunt out."

Not feeling like sitting down and resting, or going back to work since he

had already warmed up, he decided to practice a few moves and engage in some

formal combat.

<<Ten-Forward - 11:45>>

After a 2 hour workout, Corvette was more than exhausted. He needed to

replenish his strength, before heading back to compiling some reports. so he

went straight to ten-forward. His fencing attire only strenghed the

whiteness in his skin, and his normally pale figure was even more

accentuated, exceptuating the mark of sweat and some metal rust which

covered several parts of his uniform.

"Mr. Rogers!" Corvette shouted as he entered the room and sat on a table.

"Yes Commander. What can I serve you?" he asked.

"Give me a frozen lemonade, and a hamburger, can you?"

"Of course sir. Commin right up!" Rogers turned around and walked over to a

bolian, to ask for his order as well.

Then he turned around and walked to the replicator. All of a sudden, worms

began coming out of it! Worms of various forms and classes came crawling out

of the replicators, into the food and invading the place. It was a

disgusting thing to watch from a distance, and even far more worse to be

there and have the worms crawling through your own feet. A betazoid woman

was foolish enough to faint, and when she hit the ground, the worms began

crawling over her. Another man vomited on sight of the worms, and the

disgusting little things began eating and revolving on the vomit! It was not

a very nice sighting.

The worms for some particular reason seemed to avoid Corvette. Perhaps they

sense him a predator and where afraid of him. Perhaps they smelled something

in him which they didn't like. The thing was, they stayed as far away from

him as possible.

=/\= "Hunt to Nazgur. Come to ten-forward at once. I need you to manage a

situation that has developed here. And Nazgur.... I hope you are hungry.

Hunt out." =/\

Walking out of the room, carrying the woman which had fainted Corvette

turned around to take a last look back at the scene.

"Mr. Rogers!" He shouted. "After all this has been cleaned up, I want you to

report to my office. Is that understood?"


"Yes sir!" he shouted back as he continued to clean the mess.