Subject: Grail - Unexplored Spaces - Nightmares
Kyp woke up to the horrors of the Borg Collective tapping into his
mind. He shot straight up and looked around. Sweat dripped off his face.
He was nervous if not paniced. He looked around the room before ordering
the computer to illuminate the room. Within a split second the room was a
glow, bathed with the artificial light from the room's lamps.
Kyp walked over to the sink and splashed some water on his face. He
stared at himself in the mirror. He could hear the Borg. They were trying
to contact him. They wanted to locate his position. They wanted the ones
that escaped.
"Wait a minute," he said to himself, "if they can contact me then
I'm sure the others have been contacted too. I wonder if..." Kyp stopped
talking and began to concentrate on the Borg signal. He was trying to use
the Borg Collective as an amplifier to find the others of hsi species.
He could see deep into their thoughts. Their plans. Their
weaknesses. He was a part of the collective. He could hear every thought.
He could see the location of every ship, planet, and drone. It was like
seeing through seeing everywhere at once.
He saw Gamma Alteries. The once beautiful planet had been
destroyed. Where the once beautiful capital of Hyrule stood, was now a Borg
collective and drone processing plant.
Kyp dropped to the ground and began to cry. This wasn't happening.
He blocked out the Collective. He didn't want to see anymore. He pulled
himself up off the floor. He looked in the mirror. He saw the faces of his
parents staring back at him. They were smiling.
"Kyp, you must be strong if our race to survive" said his father.
Kyp nodded and looked away for a minute. When he looked back at his
parents, they had become drones. Wires ran everywhere from their bodies,
and mechanical accents were the only sign of life within the corpse like bodies.
Kyp screamed and broke the mirror with his fist. He cried some more
until the pain from his hand set in. He looked down at his fist. It was
bloody. He heard the Borg calling him again. He concentrated on blocking
it but he couldn't block it out this time. He ran out of the room screaming.
As he ran through the corridors he left a trail of blood from his
injuried hand. He ran like a mad man through the empty halls. He screamed
at the top of his lungs, but no one came to his aid, it was as if no one could.
He turned a corner and suddenly he was no longer on the Grail, but
inside a Borg cube. He stopped cold. A shiver ran down his spine and he
broke out into a cold sweat. He froze there. He couldn't move. Suddenly a
Borg stepped off its regeneration alcove and approached Kyp. Kyp took off
in a sprint as fast as he could.
Meanwhile the young ensign that opened his door to help the young
Alterian, stood in shock. It was as if the Ambassador hadn't even
recognized him. He tapped his combadge.
"Ensign Smith to Lt. Castle"
"Castle here go ahead."
"Sir, I just saw Ambassador Firespray run through the halls. He
seems to be terrified of something, and he's leaving a trail of blood. I
believe he is injured."
"Well, go after him."
"Sir, might I remind you that I am only a science officer and not a
security officer. He could quite possibly kill me. I think an armed
security officer is better suited to hunt down our Ambassador."
Meanwhile Kyp continueed to race through the hallways believing he
was inside a Borg cube. He finally stopped after barricading himself inside
a jeffreis tube. He sat there and cried. Through his eyes he was in a
corner of the cube hiding from a pursuing drone.
<<more to come>>