Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces"- `A Cry in the Night'

<<NRPG: This post is approximately 10 days into our relative future.

From my notes and messages, these storylines need resolution:

DeMontignys Arrest [move your butt Kurt], Lt. J'hon Roak's

resuscitation. I am not blowing past these very important events, but I

want to insure that I don't exhaust the patience of others. The problem

with you guys is: You're all too damned good. You squeeze more action

into a single day than most sims see in a month. Allow this post to

prompt some characters and set-up others. Thanks for all your superior


<<Stardate: 47307.29- 15:40>>

<<Main Bridge>>

Epic sat quietly considering the past ten days. The General

Quarters order was tough on everyone, and he was `sensitive' enough to

feel it. Things were going to bust soon. It was time to offer what his

new Counselor Mirkas Tzavaras had suggested. A healthy dose of hope.

"Lt. Fionn. Open a shipwide channel, please.", he stood for no


"Channel open.", Fionn sighed. Aside from the duldrum of routine

shifts while sailing through empty space, all anyone had to look forward

to was just another day of `house arrest'. Even his Senior officers.

Even Epic himself. Because of his constant exposure to those who had

been infected, even though he currently showed no symptoms, he had

avoided extremely long contacts with Kaje and Kaede. It was hard on


"To all residents of the Grail:

"We are only a day away from the star cluster known as `the Great

Brightness'. Beyond that, another day to traverse that spectacular

expanse. But, effective 18:00 today, the General Quarters order will be

cancelled so that we might prepare for our arrival at the Kerestia

system and our much needed cure of this heinous Romulan virus.

"I know it doesn't mean much in the face of the incarceration I

have forced upon you, but I am genuiny sorry it had to be this way. In

order to make it up to you, for your outstanding cooperation and

patience, once the virus has been contained, I will insure that we

remain in the Kerestian system long enough for any who desire it to

visit the planet that Ambassador Kyp Firespray has dubbed `the Shopping

Mall of the Beta Quadrant'.

"Thank you again. Captain Terrakian out."

Epic could already feel the ambient mood of the Grail change. It

felt wonderful. He wished he could do things like that all the time. The

emotional blossom was its own reward. But, like a father of too many

children, sometimes the only way to protect them was to punish them.

Well, the punishment would soon be over.

Epic tapped his commbadge. "Terrakian to Hargen. Commander. I want

your report on that probe I requisitioned by 16:00. I hope I'm not

demanding too much."

=^=We'll see, won't we?=^=, she replied, but the strain in her

voice might have been a product of something else. Perhaps the


Sitting down at the Big Chair, he sent a message to the attention


To: Lt. Major Brinn, Lt. Comm. Hunt

cc: Lt. Logan Castle, Ambassador Kyp Firespray, Yoeman Vincent Rogers,

Counselor Mirkas Tzavaras, Lt. Kaitlyn Brennan, Lt. Eve Mallory, Dr.

William Ramius, Lt. Arda Kaje, Lt. Fionn.

Tomorrow, 47307.30-10:00, report to observation Lounge for discussion of

Away Team responsibilities for First Contact with Kerestia.

After sending that message right out, Epic composed another.

To: Lt. Alison Donucci

cc: Lt. jg. Francois DeMontigny, Ambassador Kyp Firespray

Report to Observation Lounge, 47307.30-09:00. I want a report on our

proposed flight path before an Away Team meeting scheduled for one hour


Epic sent that message also. He took a deep breath and exhaled

slowly. It felt good to set events in motion. With something to do, the

lethal lethargy that had been settling over the Grail might finally be


Suddenly, Fionn called from Tactical. "Captain. I am picking up a

distress signal from a shuttle of unknown origin. It is 2 light years

distant. The signal is weak with the distance. I cannot determine the

nature of the emergency. When we are closer perhaps."

"Best ETA, Lt.?", Epic turned to face him.

"At our current speed of warp 9....", he did some computations.

"... 7 hours."

Epic nodded with a grimace. "Respond to the signal. Inform them of

our ETA."

"Yes, sir.", Fionn replied. "It is automated."

Epic continued to nod. Things were about to get exciting again.