Subject: Grail - Unexplored Spaces - Nightmares Part 2

Kyp continued to race through the hallways believing he was inside a

Borg cube. He finally stopped after barricading himself inside a jeffreis

tube. He sat there and cried. Through his eyes he was in a corner of the

cube hiding from a pursuing drone.

He sat there for about one minute before realizing that he had to

leave. He got up and ran. He didn't know where he just ran, looking for a

way out. He saw a Borg drone in the corridor. He snuck up behind it and

'dis-armed' it. In his mind Kyp had just removed the weapon arm of drone,

in reality he had rendered a security officer unconscious and taken his

PHASER rifle.

Kyp ran until he came to the shuttlebay where his pod was held. He

walked in and made sure no drones were around. He walked over to the

console. Fear was rushing through him. He steadied his hand and errected a

forcefield around the door. He walked over to the pod and tried to get the

operating systems online. He worked on the pod trying to get the Transwarp

drive back online. He worked furiously until paranoia crept into his mind.

Kyp stood up and began to fire wildly around the room, scaring the

walls, ceiling, shuttlecrafts, and anything else in the room. Finally fear

over came his paranoia and he dropped the gun. He was coming back to his

senes. He wasn't on a cube killing Borg, he was in the shuttlebay

destroying the Grail. He lowered the forcefield and exited it. He looked

down at his hand. It still hurt, but his head hurt more. He stumbled

around the hallways for a while until he came upon a turbolift. He got in.

He mustered up all his strength to give the order "Bridge". He then

passed out as the turbolift soared up through the levels of the ship towards

deck one. Upon reaching its destination the doors opened and Kyp lay there

unconcious on the floor of the turbolift on the bridge.