Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces"- `Allelluia'

<<Stardate: 47307.29- 16:00>>

<<Ramin's quarters >>


[Alfonso Barnechea Rey] =20

Silence. This time, no song was being played on Oku's quarters. Not even

a note. For ten days, Oku had recalled and played back every song he

liked. He even replicated a guitar, although he didn't play it well. He

even tried to sing "a capella".

The Annals of Internal Medicine of the Worlds of the UFP have been

revised entirely by Oku Ramin. Or at least the updates as past as the

2369 edition, that was as far as the subspace link could get from Io

(Sol V C). But two hours ago, the link could get no more. Distane and

interference cut it out until who knows when. Maybe never.

Oku was asleep. Or just sleepy, sitting in his chair. Then, suddenly, a

voice speaking heaven came out from the commlink:

"To all residents of the Grail: We are only a day away from the star

cluster known as `the Great Brightness'. Beyond that, another day to

traverse that spectacular expanse. But, effective 18:00 today, the

General Quarters order will be cancelled so that we might prepare for

our arrival at the Kerestia system and our much needed cure of this

heinous Romulan virus. I know it doesn't mean much in the face of the

incarceration I have forced upon you, but I am genuiny sorry it had to

be this way. In order to make it up to you, for your outstanding

cooperation and patience, once the virus has been contained, I will

insure that we remain in the Kerestian system long enough for any who

desire it to visit the planet that Ambassador Kyp Firespray has dubbed

`the Shopping Mall of the Beta Quadrant'. Thank you again. Captain

Terrakian out."

Not even Haendel's "Allelluia" could do better to sweeten the soul of

the doctor. It was like if someone told him "Hey, here's happiness, take

it". Ten damned days of confinement were about to end in four hours.=20

Oku started to check everything to leave.

"Computer, state of containment field"

"Biological containment field level 4 at 100%"

Oku then watched his screen at the desk. Selected articles from the

Annals were highlited in a list. Among those, he found the control of

the TTC virus in Ropa III, the review of the CXII Conference on

Neuroparasitology at Risa, the presentation on Earth of the only

specimen left of the ancient hepatitis B virus on a tube and its genetic

sequence released into the Federation Archives, and a focus on Klingon

gonorrhoea and its diagnosis.

Oku read his articles. Then he turned everything off and went to his

bed. He lay down and opened his limbs like a star. Then he waited the H


Alfonso aka Oku Ramin