Subject: Grail:"Unexplored Spaces"-'Slowly falling apart'
<<Stardate: 47307.29- 15:40>>
Vincent sturred in the bed for a moment. Slowly, his eyes
fluttered open, still unaware of his surroundings. After several moments,
he rubbed his eyes and took a look around the room. To his amazement, he
found that it wasn't at all where he had gone to sleep.
Vincent thought back for a moment, trying to get a grip on
reality. He remembered the human vomiting in the mess hall. He
remembered someone saving the human. He even remembered being sent to his
room for special quarantine measures. There was something else...
something after that he couldn't quite put his finger on.
It was about that time that he noticed his head was extremely hot.
Slowly moving his hand to his forehead, he could feel his head radiating
heat. This was not a good sign. Looking around the room, he noticed a
nurse on the other side of the room. Vincent tried to clear his throat,
but was quickly tired out by the effort. After a few moments of rest, he
managed to come out with a rather hoarse "nurse."
The nurse turned to look at him. Quickly, the nurse approached
him, looking him over.
"Let me get the doctor now, and I will be right back."
Vincent just layed there in silence, watching the nurse walk over
to where the doctor was stationed. Vincent thought this was going to be
too much trouble, since all he wanted to know was what time it was...
<<To be continued>>
-- Ken
Yeoman Vincent Rogers
Mess Hall Cook
U.S.S. Grail
If at first you don't succeed, disavow any knowledge of the attempt.
Sleep: An annoying habit I can't seem to break.