Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces"- Replacements (Brinn)

> Should Mr. DeMontigny commit another such act, he

> will be required to sit in on a hearing, overseen by the First

> Officer.

<<OOC to whoever wrote the above: I love you.

OOC to Fran:


OOC to John and John.... er.... Cpt Terrakian and 1Lt J'hon: Sorry!

I'll start posting now..... <G> >>


Athalya Anne watched as the Marines left the funeral and then made her

exit. Sighing inwardly, she realized that bringing around some new

Marines would be nesscary. "Brinn to Miranda...." Athalya Anne paused,

temporarily forgetting that the computer didn't go entierly by first

names *Oh, duh.*. Shaking her head, Athalya Anne tacked on, "St.


"St Claire here. Go ahead."

"Please meet me in the cryostasis chamber."

"Roger will-co!" Athalya Anne smiled. Miranda's high spirits were



"Sir, 1Lt J'hon Roak reporting for duty, sir!" A Bajoran man yelled.

"Sir, Pvt Pamala Lee reporting for duty, sir!" A blonde bombshell joined


"At ease." Athalya Anne nodded. "I'm LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn, and this

is your new home. You have been called up to replace your predeccssors in

leading the Omega Company," She gestured to J'hon, "and to shoot the bad

guys." Athalya Anne gestured to Pvt Lee, who stiffled a grin. "In this

case the bad guys are the Romulans. We have contracted a deadly virus

from our last skirmish with the Rommies. Medical suspects that the cure

may lie within Romulan antibodies. The Marines will be needed to procure

a healthy Rommie or two. You may wish to assemble the Marines and

introduce yourselvs, but that is not advisable as we are under a GQ

order." Athalya Anne was merely spouting off whatever she could think

of. Currently comming to an end of her spiel, she took a deep breath.

"The computer will guide you to your quarters. If there aren't any

questions, you're dismissed."


Athalya Anne waited as for the TL. *Sheeesh. Someone must all ready be

in there.* She was right. The TL doors opened, revealing a small figure

she quickly identified as Kyp Firespray. Athalya Anne gasped. He had a

phazer wound. *What the hell?* She wondered as her pulse sped up. She

kneeled next to him. "Emergency beam out to Sickbay!" The two were

engufed in a wave of blue light.

The next thing she knew, medical personell were hovering around Kyp, who

was now on a bio bed. Someone was pushing her back and away from Kyp.

"Will he..." Athalya Anne asked, afraid to talk for some reason.

"Yes, he'll be fine." The tech reassured her. But he didn't know that.

Athalya Anne merely stared at him as though he were a rock. "But..." She


The tech was pushing a non resisting Athalya Anne away from the bio bed.

She merely watched as blue uniforms hovered over Kyp. "He'll be fine."

The tech reiterated.

"Ok..." Athalya Anne stood from a discreet distance. She was to

emotional numb to feel anything.

"Major, there's nothing you can do."

"Ok..." She said again, looking past the tech. He gave up. Experience

told him that she would leave of her own violition or not at all. Athalya

Anne bit her bottom lip, walking in a wide circle looking for the best

view. "We have a pulse!" One of the blue uniforms shouted. Athalya Anne

smiled like a fool and sat down.

LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn