Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces"-"Searching for Components and Knowledge part 4"

<OOC, Sorry this series drug on for so long. I got busy at work and had to set

it aside.>

> A post by:

> Bartender Tony Verde


> <<Stardate 47307.18, 10:50>>

> As I left the commanders office I scanned for Ensign Koscearny. I finally

> spotted her as I got almost to the door. She seemed to be engrossed in

> checking a console as I approached.

"Ensign Koscearny, Cdr. Hargen has authorized you to assist me for a couple

of hours. I won't keep you any longer than I have to but I need help finding

these parts. The complete list of them is on this padd." Accepting the padd,

she looks over the details for a few moments and then starts gathering a few

tools without saying anything. "I don't want to sound rude sir but I think you

are mistaken on a few parts you have listed. You could enhance the circuit by

making a few minor changes. Here's what I suggest," she says handing back the

padd with a few changes. " If you agree with the changes I can have the parts

together in about 90 minutes. I can even bring them to ten forward or your

quarters if you prefer."

"Very well Ensign, those changes will make a minor change and will lower the

chance of blowing a few of the chips that would have been more sensitive to

current fluctuations. I admire your thoroughness, and professionalism. If you

don't need my assistance or are afraid i might slow you down I would appreciate

if you would deliver them to Ten Forward when you have them together. Again,

thanks for your help."

As I left the space I saw her pulling a few boxes off the shelf and start

removing pieces in a seemingly random method. She was working with amazing

speed and agility for such delicate work.

Now off to find Lt. Mallory or Kyp Firespray to find out about the upcoming

stop. Hopefully one of them can steer me in the right direction.