Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces 'The Morning After'

Lying in bed her hair a tangled mess and still in yesterdays uniform, Alison is unaware of the torment she is about to face the moment she awakens.

Slowly as sun burning through morning fog Alison comes to. Still lying motionless the only thing she notices is the funny taste in her mouth. In one quick motion she sits up on the edge of her bed and realizes the horrible mistake she has just made.

As if the pain that all of a sudden developed in her head wasn't bad enough it felt like last nights fun was trying to escape from her stomach as her room sway back and forth like a boat adrift at sea.

Staggering to her feet Alison realizes that she is in for a long day. Placing her hand on her forehead as if it could somehow ease the pain she tries to remember the events that lead to her present condition, but draws a complete blank. Alison can't even remember how she got back to her quarters, all she knows now is that she is late for her shift and she is still in no condition to be on duty.

*Maybe I should stop and have some coffee before reporting for duty.*

After a quick shower and change into a clean uniform she's out the door and on her way to Ten forward.

Entering Ten forward Alison gets a cup of strong black coffee and sits at table. Holding onto her cup with both hands she tries to gather her thoughts together while trying to block out the effects of being hangover.

CFO Lt. Alison Donucci.