Subject: Grail - 'Unexplored Space' - 'Personal Demons'

The Borg drone lunged straight at Kyp. He rolled out of the way and

fired his PHASER rifle. The drone dropped to the ground. He heard another

approaching from behind. He turned and fired. No effect, they had adapted.

Kyp quickly tried to adapt his PHASER to a different frequency. He looked

the drone right in the eye, and fired. The drone fell. He turned and fired

on the one about to inject him with nanoprobes. No effect. He worked

frantcially to remodulate his rifle when he felt a hand land on his shoulder

and two tiny pricks in his neck.

"NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed.

Suddenly all the Borg in the room vanished, in fact the room itself


"Simulation terminated. You have been assimilated. You lose."

Came the voice of the computer.

Kyp wiped the sweat from his brow and then left for his quarters.

Upon entering he took a shower and put on some clean clothes. He

then strode over to stellar catography. He walked in and and sat at the

single console in the room. [OOC: I'm assuming it looks like the on from


"Computer, map all known points of the Delta Quadrant."

In a few seconds he had his results. *Wow!* he thought, *If this

is all that they know their in for a big suprise.* Kyp sat and began to

type in all the systems he could remember.