Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Space"-`Let the Stars Be Our Guide'

<<Stardate: 47307.18- 17:30>>

<<Stellar Cartography>>

Hillary Singh entered the Stellar Cartography Science Lab unaware

that it was already occupied and active. She walked into outer space.

The SC Lab was not unlike the Holodeck, in that it recreated the

stellar environment, though on a greatly reduced scale. The floor

beneath her feet was no longer visible. She was suspended in space. In

fact, the only details within the lab that were not a perfect visual

representation of the stars, was the centrally located workstation, and

the golden haired young man who occupied it.

"The Ambassador from Gamma Alteries, I presume.", she called out

across the vast emptiness of space.

Kyp Firespray swivelled in his chair to face her. "Excuse me.", he


Hillary walked across the stars. `My, this one is young.', she

thought as she extended her hand. "My name is Hillary Singh. I will be

working very closely with you Ambassador. I have heard that your

breadth of knowledge of these spaces is considerable, you will still

need a scientist to help you catalogue the inexhaustible amounts of

information we will need to assimilate."

Firespray winced at the word. Hillary was ignorant to the impact of

her remark. She continued.

"So. Tell me more about `the Great Brightness'."

<<OOC: The part of Hillary Singh will be played by Sophia Loren>>