Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Space"-`Let the Stars Be Our Guide 2'
He didn't even have to turn around to hear the doors open. He could
also hear the sound of feet hitting the ground at sort of an uneven pace,
like they were afraid to hit ht eground.
"The Ambassador from Gamma Alteries, I presume.", she called out
across the vast emptiness of space.
Kyp Firespray swivelled in his chair to face her. "Excuse me.", he
Hillary walked across the stars. "My name is Hillary Singh. I will
be working very closely with you Ambassador. I have heard that your
breadth of knowledge of these spaces is considerable, you will still need a
scientist to help you catalogue the inexhaustible amounts of information we
will need to assimilate."
Firespray winced at the word. Hillary was ignorant to the impact of
her remark. She continued.
"So. Tell me more about `the Great Brightness'."
"I'll do better than that. Computer, call Firespray Delta-000."
Within a few seconds the vast emptiness of space around them
disolved into ten stars around the room.
"This is the Great Brightness. It is a collection of ten stars
within very close proximity to each other. It is probably one of the
greatest events in the galaxy. Ten stars that formed so close to each other,
without becoming one." Kyp looked around the room with awe and then at
Hillary, waiting for her response.