Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Space"- `Romulan Reconnaisance'

<<Romulan Warbird D'Narien>>


"This is most definitely the site.", Agravar replied from Sciences.

"Not only am I detecting the residual traces of phasers, photons, and

disruptors, but there is minor debris from two Federation ships as well

as the T'saloset. However, there are two warp signatures representing

the Federation vessels, but none for the T'saloset."

Subcommander Thalissa looked to Centurion Belasco with an angry but

resigned glare. Belasco turned to Agravar. "In what direction did these

Federation vessels travel?"

Agravar consulted the readouts. "One, the lesser craft, retreated

back toward Federation space, presumably to the Station near Bajor. The

other has gone deeper into the Beta Quadrant." Agravars voice told of

some surprise.

Belascos eyes narrowed shrewdly. "Can you determine what their

objective might be?"

Agravar worked at the station for a few moments. He looked to

Belasco and as he offered his projection, the Centurion was already

aware of the answer. "Kerestia."

"Kerestia.", Belasco nodded, turning to Thalissa. "They have

somehow discovered the secret to our viral weapons. They seek the cure."

"But why leave the Federation? Why go this far? One starship alone

against an unknown territory sounds....", Thalissa searched for the

right word.

"Bold.", Belasco offered. Thalissa nodded in agreement. "Yes.

Whoever commands this starship is clever and cunning. Sarvid and the

T'saloset underestimated them and they destroyed him for his lack of

those same qualities. We will not make the same mistakes."

"We will pursue them, then?", Gericon spoke up from the Helm.

Belasco turned to him with a smile. "Yes. We will. They are only a

day ahead of us. We may lose another day or two more to affect repairs

to our quantum singularity engines, but we will still arrive at Kerestia

before they do."

"Can you be so certain?", Thalissa asked, remembering the

confidence with which the T'saloset had approached the Federation


"Yes, Subcommander." Belasco was careful to address her by her

title. She was still in command of the D'Narien, but in truth, it was

Belasco who made the real decisions. "We have travelled through the

Great Brightness before. They have not. It will take them time to `surf'

the gravimetric currents. We WILL arrive first."

And the way he said it, they all believed. Or rather, they all

believed they had BETTER arrive there first.

Belasco was not the kind of man you disappointed twice.