Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Space"- `Q and Q'

<<Aboard the Shuttle Airwing>>

T'Nek slowly slipped into unconsciousness, his head sinking onto

the dead control panels. Then, his weight shifted and he slipped

sideways toward the floor. But a pair of delicate ivory hands caught him

and easily lifted him. The woman moved him to a small bunk and laid him

down gently. She sat on the bunk opposite him.

Her blue eyes scanned the small shuttle, looking for a conventional

and `normal' way to preserve his life until the Grail arrived. She

supposed that she could simply let him die. Kyp Firespray might be able

to convince the Torillion Empire to assist the Grail when they achieved

their space. The Gamma Alterians had been staunch collaborators with the

Torillions. But that was before the Borg decimated Gamma Alteries. And

the Torillions only responded to strength. And their own. And Gamma

Alteries had no more strength left.

She could find no way to save him. Soon, the shuttle would be as

cold as the space without, but the Torillion called T'Nek would

suffocate long before he froze to death. There was nothing she could do,

she would have to risk another `violation'. With a nod and a flexing of

her mind, the Airwing was restored to working order.

And no sooner had she accomplished the miracle, the occupants of

the shuttle went from two to three.

"Tsk, tsk, Q.", said Q as he materialised in a flash of light and

thought. "I could forgive you dislocating that starship by a few light

years, but this is a direct violation of destiny. This man is fated to

die here in the vacuum of space."

The Q once known as Amanda Rogers of Earth turned to face the

taller Q. There was some fear in her eyes. But not fear for herself.

Fear for the Torillion. Fear for the Grail.

"You would be the last one I would expect to condemn me, Q.", she

said. "How many violations have you committed for the sake of Picard and

the Enterprise?"

Q's expression became somewhat petulant. "Well who said I was

condemning you? I was merely pointing out a truth. Don't be so

sensitive.", he snapped snootily. "And besides, Jean Luc Picard and his

bunch were a much more noble and deserving bunch than these criminals

you've adopted. And you were warned about Terrakian."

Q looked down at the unconscious T'Nek. "Terrakian is no danger to

me.", she stated plainly.

"He's a danger to all of us, `Mandy'.", Q taunted with a sneer.

"They should have let Q destroy him in the Lerins Nebula. Q would have

succeeded if not for the limitations of that Earthling Bortak. Terrakian

had almost stolen his powers. If he had known what they were at the

time, he might have employed them instead of using them as a weapon."

Q said nothing. Q was right, of course. But still, she was not


"And he is aware, you know. How could he not be? He had tasted the

power in great gulps the last time. What makes you think he didn't smell

it all over you?", Q widened his eyes in question. "Don't get too close

to him, Q. He is too altruistic to use your power wisely."

"He is NOT going to steal my power!", Q shouted suddenly.

Q was undeterred. "Yes. That was what Q thought when he tried to

procreate with that bizarre little Bajoran, Cardassian woman. Instead,

he got ejected forcibly for his troubles. And not only that, Terrakian

had somehow replaced that void with a piece of his own soul. How would

he know to do that, Q?"

"He didn't know what he was doing, Q.", she retorted. "He acted on

a subconscious level. He is a powerful empath. He responded to the

unborn childs emotional need."

Q put on an amused, but disproving face. "Oh yes. That's Terrakian,

all right. He's a real `giver'."

Q sighed in weariness. "Listen, Q. So, he's not the knight in

shining armor that your precious `Picard' is. But where these people are

going, the White Paladin could never hope to succeed. Only evil can

fight evil."

"Well, then..", he replied. "You've certainly made the right


There was silence between them for a long while. Finally, Q spoke.

"Are you going to punish me for the violations?" Her eyes were wide and

innocent and hopeful.

Q sighed in defeat. "Oh you know I could never refuse you, Q. You

remind me too much of me when I was young. Go. Have your `fun'. But

remember, he knows how to affect you."

And in a flash, Q was gone.

T'Nek of the Torillion Empire awoke suddenly. A flash of light in

the corner of his eyes brought him awake. But, all seemed normal. He was


The shuttle! The shuttle had power! He moved over to the controls

and brought the engines on-line. It was all working. Systems that had

been sacrificed for the sake of speed were also working. How could this

be? Was he dreaming?

After a short while, it didn't matter. He had to return home. He

just hoped, after all this time, he could navigate the Great Brightness.

Because, if he couldn't, this miracle would be wasted.