Subject: Grail: "Unexplored space" - 'Concerns'

>From: "François DeMontigny" <>


>Subject: re: Grail: unexplored space:

>Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 13:44:42 PDT



>"Sardate 47307.20-12:20"



>The gymnasium was quiet for this hour. Mirka notices that the young

>people she had befriended at the beginning of their voyage were absent

>from the room. She hoped they took her advice and kept themselves


>The important thing was to have them worry about anything else than the

>ship's arrival in unexplored space. She had suggested they organized a

>play they could present to other passengers. They seemed to like the

>idea. The truth was that theater was one of the best thing they could

>do because it was exhausting for both the body and the mind. She


>at a young ensign just entering the room and waving at her. In a week

>she had tried to make friends with a lot of people. She needed their

>perceptions on things so she could complete her research. However, the

>more time passed, the more she realised the futility of her work and


>more she felt the need to help people with their worries.


>That so many passengers on the ship suddently worried about the

>situation when they knew from the beginning the objectif of the Grail

>could only be blamed on one thing: The jump in space that had happen.

>Sure, the ship had saved a year in travelling but that was one less


>to prepare the crew to chart unknown and dangerous territories. They

>were going to get used to the situation but to do so they had to

>perceive the Grail as something else than a doomed prison. To do so,

>they had to learn to appreciate life on this ship for what it was:

>mysterious ans exciting. After all that was what space travel was all

>about. The intercom interrupted her thoughts.


>" To the Grail Residents:

>"Due to a viral contamination that is spreading throughout the ship, a

>'General Quarters' order is in effect now. This order will last

>indefinitly..." Mirka didn't listent to the rest of the announcement.

>She got up to return to her quarters. Disbelieve took hold of her, then

>worry, then anger. Who was the madman runnig this ship? He didn't

>explain himself about the jump in space, he didn't talk to passengers


>reassure them after the Romulan's attack, he never took time to tell

>them that they could make it out of this mess. And now out of nowhere

>he announced that a virus was spreading through the ship? Was that all

>he could do? Announced bad news through the intercom like a lousy


>man? Didn't he realise what "indefinite General Quarters" could do to

>the passengers and the crew?


> Well at least all the other problems were solved, she muses. No need

>to worry about the unknown space, or the Borg's territory or coming


>alive in twenty years. This ship was going to implode from all the

>tention its crew was experiencing. As she got out of the turbolift to

>her quarters she took a deep breath to calm herself. Well, to the

>captain's defense it wasn't his fault if a virus was spreading through

>the ship. But still, he did seem like an unsensible jerk. But that's

>why she quit Starfleet in the first place, duty took precedence over

>everything, especialy emotions and sensitivity even though they were

>essential to ANY life essence. She sighed getting back to her(and

>everyones) main problem, a virus... she was going to begin believing

>that all those fatalists were wright. This ship was doomed.


>Dr Mirka Tzavaras

>Civilian Psychologist