Subject: Grail: "Unexplored Spaces"- `Bringing Things to Order'
[OOC: You should all note the addition of the address: in the mailstring. Include it in all future posts. Zac will be joining us soon, the details of his origins will be revealed during the course of the Kerestia storyline. Welcome Zac.]
<<Stardate: 47307.18- 16:00>>
<<Main Bridge>>
Captain Epic Terrakian sat in the command chair watching the scintillating blur of hyperspace on the Main Viewer. Shift change had just happened all around him. Many substitutions, too many, had been made on Alpha Shift. Some were justifiable. Some were ordered. But most were inexcusable.
In the wake of the Romulan victory, celebration had erupted. Even Epic had participated to a degree. However, some participated to the point of abuse. That some of these were his Senior Staff was discouraging.
He tapped his commbadge. "Terrakian to Donucci. I will be expecting that Astrogation report for the course to Kerestia in three hours. Inform Ambassador Firespray. Terrakian out."
Epic slumped into his chair a little further. He tapped his badge again. "Terrakian to Castle. Where is your assistant and why is he not in Sickbay as per orders? These are rhetorical questions. Do not respond. Just make it happen."
Epic then turned his attention to the padd in the arm of the command chair. Accessing internal messaging, he composed a short note:
I was hoping we could dine together tonight. If you are feeling social, I would enjoy your company.
Perhaps it was not so good an idea to refer to her in the familiar. She had never invited him to call her by her given name. He shrugged.
Then, finally, he tapped his commbadge again. "Terrakian to Brinn. Your presence is requested on the Bridge. In case you've forgotten, it's the room at the top. Terrakian out."
He smiled maliciously as he closed the channel. That might not bring her running, but it sure would make her mad.