Subject: Bridge

(OOC: The Grails greeting message was not recieved by T'Nek due to
communications equipment failure. Unknown to T'Nek of course, who
assumes the Grail is hostile. Not a good way to great an Ambassador in
an unarmed space shuttle, Brinn :P)

T'Nek stared intently at the approaching vessel. Suddenly the
computers voice cuts into his concentration:

<<Warning. Alien Vessel has powered up and locked weapons onto the
ship>> ||The whole shuttle shakes.|| <<Warning. Alien Vessel has
locked a tractor beam on us>> ~Dammit. How much harm to they think a
shuttle can do to them ?~ "Computer, Transmit a Priority One message
to the Torillion Homeworld and the Alterian Homeworld informing them
of the of the Grails aggressive moves. Classify them as Hostile"
<<Affirmative>> <<ETA is 4 days>> "Computer, open a channel to the
Alien Vessel. Audio Only." <<Channel Open>> "Attention Hostile Alien
Vessel. Your aggressive actions were uncalled for and innapropriate
for an unarmed space shuttle. I required your assistance, not this
aggression. As it stands, I'm not in much postition to argue, and if
you must destroy me then so be it. You may be interested to know I
have sent an encoded message to the Torrillion Homeworld informing
them of your actions. If I were you, I would leave this section of
space immediatly. May the Seven have mercy on your souls"
<<Transmission Ended>> ~So this is how it is to end. Destroyed by an
alien vessel from another galaxy..~ (T'Nek gazes at the Grail Angrily)

Ambassador T'Nek Destazio
Lil Ol Spaceship