Subject: Family fued at Conn
Alison was in the hallway on her was to the bridge when word of Lt.jg
François DeMontignys apprehension reached her. A grin of contentment
comes accross her face. *Maybe now he knows I don't bluff.*
Making her way to security Alison enters the Chief Security Officers
office accupied by Lt. Logan Castle who was crrently working on some
reports. "Hello Lieutenant, I'm sure you know why I'm here." Alison
states while supressing a smile as shhe can't wait to see the man who
mocked her sitting in a cell.
Castles expression became shrewd. The Flight Control Chief seemed
almost giddy about her being here. "Yes, lieutenant. I figure you're
here to press charges. What would they be, these charges? Because,
near as I can tell, aside from flirting with my officers and
pretending to be a musician, I can't get a thing out of this guy."
"Well lieutenant, it seems that Lt. DeMontignys has a problem with
authority and fallowing protocols." States Alison as the anger she
felt towards DeMontignys begins to flow back. "Lt. DeMontignys
decided on his own free will to disobey an order and showed a superior
officer a great deal of disrespect."
I would like him charged with insubordination, and disobeying a
direct order." Now showing very little expression on her face Alison
continues. "I would like to settle this matter as soon as possible."
Castle pursed his lips and nodded. "Well, this is very easily
handled.", Castle said as he stood and came around to the front of his
desk. He sat on the edge. "Kwan. Let him go and give him his `axe'."
A sudden look of surprise comes accross Alisons face as François
is set free. "That's it?" "He just walks out of here."
Castle explained. "For insubordination, you must file a thorough
report to be included in Mr. DeMontignys file. This is considered an
official reprimand. Should Mr. DeMontigny commit another such act, he
will be required to sit in on a hearing, overseen by the First
Officer. He will be entitled to representation at that hearing."
Castle said this to DeMontigny sitting in his cell as well as Alison
"If the First Officer determines that the second charge is
founded, Mr. DeMontigny will suffer a sanction, which will result in a
lowered rank. A third commission of insubordination will result in a
rejection of his commission as a Starfleet Officer."
Castle turned to DeMontigny.
"You're damn lucky that your assignment to the Grail basically
wiped your previous record clean. Otherwise, we'd be dropping you off
on the first heated rock that has water. So, stop pushing buttons that
you are not ordered to push. OK?"
"Yeah, fine, fine. Can I go now? I have work to do." answered
François. He gave Donucci a winning smile as he walked past her and
entered the turbolift.
Taking a breath in an attempt to keep her cool Alison watches the
smug flight officer leaves. Looking back at Logan she gives a forced
smile as if to say 'thanks for nothing', then walks away.
Lt. Logan Castle
Lt.jg François DeMontigny
Lt Alison Donucci
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