Subject: The Void


OOC: Sorry if you get this twice.

Thomas sat in his quaters staring out of his window looking at the
stars. <There's nothing to do on this dam ship> he thought to himself.

"I know!" he thought out load. "Computer bring up all know data on the
Delta Quadrent."

"How would you like the information displayed." The computer responded.

"Alphabetically." The Computer beeped and the information poped up on
the screen. Thomas began reading:
-Array large spaceborne installation, created by the Caretaker. A
millennium ago, the Caretaker created the Array to spully the Ocampa
with energy.
-The Barzan wormhole at one time believed to be stable, and had a
endpoint in the Delta Quadrant, but studies learned that endpoint was
later found to move unperdictably.
-The Borg homeworld is belived to be deep in the Delta Quadrant.
-Caretaker highly advanced noncorporeal life-form based on sporocystian
energy. About 1,000 years ago they accidentally devasted the atmosphere
of the Ocampa Planet.
-Hunters humanoids that engaged in a elaborate sport that involves
hunting prey.
-Kazon are a very divided society, the society ssrated into sects or
groups. In early 2372 there were about 18 sects. The Kazon do not have
transporter, or replicator common to the Alpha Quadrant. The Kazon are
very territorial, Kazon bordes of Kazon space have been known to change
-Ocampa are Humanoid civilization.
The Ocampa have a life span of about 9 years.
Ocampa can communicate telepathicly.

The screen went blank. "Computer display the rest of the information!"

"That is all on the Delta Quadrant that is stored in the computer
banks." Came the response.

"All that information was conflicting with Kri-kin-tha's law of
Metaphysics sates that -nothing unreal exists-."

"Please restate last command cannot process command."

"I was not talking to you!" Thomas yelled.

"Please restate Command."

"Computer off!" Marritza shouted.

Thomas Marritza
(Omega Company Squad Leader)