Starfleet issues decorations for actions of service and sacrifice beyond the normal duty requirements. They may be awarded either individually or as part of a group distribution to a particular ship or unit. The shape and composition of decorations vary from planet to planet and situation to situation. Such devices are worn only on dress occasions. On other occasions, Terran ground forces wear rectangular ribbon tabs on their forearms, and Starfleet personnel wear triangular tabs on the left breast to denote decorations.
Following are brief descriptions of the most common decorations used within Starfleet.
Origin: Stardate 2/5001, Starfleet Command
Number Awarded: 60
The Anastas Medal of Achievement, named for the first female starship captain, is awarded to a female officer of executive command rank or higher who has demonstrated superior skill and expertise while facing extreme hazard. Commander Ellen Childs, Assistant Executive Officer, USS Berlin, is the most recent recipient. She received the award on Stardate 3/2007.08 for her expertise and control of a hazardous ship-vs.-ship situation against the Ferengi in the absence of her superiors. The Anastas Medal is a platinum disk showing principal representatives of the Federation with hands joined. Written under them in gold is the inscription, "Achieve Together." The Anastas Medal of Achievement hangs from an aquamarine ribbon.
Origin: Stardate 119501, Andor Planetary Government
Number Awarded: 2,467 (Twelve posthumously)
The Andorian Battle Star is awarded to commanders of Starfleet vessels, any class or category, who have demonstrated superior tactical abilities in a combat situation, either personal or command-oriented. Lieutenant Commander Sheva Hev'lek, Chief of Security, USS Sheffield, is the latest recipient. She received the Battle Star on Stardate 3/0912.27, for protecting the lives of Federation civilians against a superior force of Ferengi merchant enforcers on Borgia V. The Andorian Battle Star is a four-pointed Titanium star with a center sapphire, hung from a blue and white ribbon.
Origin: Stardate 1/4010 Starfleet Command
Number Awarded: 12,304 (112 posthumously)
This citation commends acts of heroism in defense of Federation citizens and their property in which the recipient disregarded clear risk to personal safety. The citation of Conspicuous Gallantry is a small emerald triangle with three diamonds in the middle and a silver semicircular bar above, which is inscribed "For Gallantry. Lieutenant David Manchester, USS Wellington, is the latest recipient. He received the Citation on Stardate 3/0405.17 for offering himself as hostage to a group of renegade Klingons in exchange for the release of 25 Federation civilians on Valoria. Manchester endured severe torture and mistreatment before he could be rescued.
Origin: Stardate 2/0001, The Alpha Centauri Academy of Science and Technology
Number Awarded: 14
The Cochrane Award is presented to a scientist who, in the spirit of Zephram Cochrane, has contributed to the Federation through outstanding performance in physical sciences or advanced engineering application. Dr. Caroline Ravenwood is the latest recipient. She received the Cochrane Award on Stardate 2/29.16 for her breakthroughs in psychotherapeutic engineering, which made possible the invention of the Holodeck. The Holodeck is used throughout the Federation as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of mental disorders, as well as for instructional and entertainment purposes. The Cochrane Award is a silver filigree with precious stones denoting the atomic structure of a dilithium nucleus. In addition to the award's formal device, a parchment inscribed with gold ink describes the individual's scientific accomplishment.
Origin: Stardate 2/1201, Deneb IV Planetary Government
Number Awarded: 46
The Denebian Swan of Merit is awarded to individuals who have displayed valor in the service of the planet Deneb or its citizens in the course of Federation duties. Ensign Nathaniel Zar III, USS Thor, Starfleet Merchant Marine, is the latest recipient. He was awarded the Denebian Swan of Merit on Stardate 2/8712.17. After his superiors were killed in an unprovoked Ferengi attack, Ensign Zar single-handedly prevented the Ferengi boarding party from seizing Denebian mercantile goods of considerable commercial value.
Origin: Stardate 1/9802, proposed by the Confederation of Tellar; issued by special order of the Commandant of Starfleet Academy, Starfleet Command
Number Awarded: 23
This special decoration is awarded to cadets who, during their tour of study at Starfleet Academy, demonstrate selfless heroism in support of the Federation and Starfleet Command. The decoration is named in honor of Grankess 'Lorr, a Tellarite cadet who was the first recipient. Cadet Kimberly Calabrese is the latest recipient. She was awarded the Grankite Order of Honor on 3/1006.5 for her rescue of four comrades in a warp micro-shuttle training accident near Memory Alpha. Calabrese sustained serious injuries as a result. The Grankite Order of Honor is a small red, blue, and gold triangle surrounded by Tellarite white laurel leaves.
Origin: Stardate 119603, The United Federation of Planets Executive Council
Number Awarded: 1,107
This decoration is awarded to individuals who have shown conspicuous heroism in defense of Federation worlds and their populations in times of conflict. It is named in honor of the successful Starfleet Marine defense of the planet Karag against Klingon invaders during the Four Years War. Lieutenant Asham Razi, USS Hood, is the latest recipient. He was awarded the Karagite Order on Stardate 3/0003.17 for his capture of a previously unknown pirate base on the planet Gibraltar. The Karagite Order of Honor is a stylized humanoid female with outstretched arms grasping an upraised sword, attached to scarlet and white horizontal stripes.
Origin: Stardate 0/9105, United Earth Alliance Parliament
Number Awarded: 512 (29 posthumously)
The highest decoration awarded by Starfleet Command and the United Federation of Planets, the Starfleet Medal of Honor is given to individuals who show self-sacrifice, heroism, and courage despite extreme peril in the service of the United Federation of Planets. Because recipients are considered to be the embodiment of the highest ideals of the Federation, their descendants may automatically enter the Starfleet Academy. Captain Delrin Toval, USS Hindenberg, is the latest recipient. He was awarded the Starfleet Medal of Honor on Stardate 21 9905.12 for his heroism in evacuating his crew without the loss of a single life after an unprovoked attack by IKS warships. The Starfleet Medal of Honor is a stylized UFP symbol superimposed on a solid gold disk set against a silver, five-pointed star. The decoration is attached to a red, white, and blue vertical striped ribbon.
Origin: Stardate 1/9604, Starfleet Command, United Federation of Planets
Number Awarded: 234 (49 posthumously)
The Starfleet Medal of Valor is awarded in peace or wartime for actions beyond the call of duty. Lieutenant Commander Marsha Mintaine, USS Valkyrie, is the latest recipient. She was awarded the Starfleet Medal of Valor on Stardate 2/9704 for her appeasement of hill tribes on Loris VIII at the cost of considerable physical and emotional injury. Her action prevented the deaths of numerous fellow officers. The decoration is a stylized set of stars, each representing one of the founders of the Federation, which are attached to a ribbon of diagonal blue and silver stripes.
Origin: Stardate 1/9704, The Prantares Council of Elders
Number Awarded: 244 (3 posthumously)
The Prantares Ribbon is awarded to military personnel or civilians who have saved the life of a Federation civilian through peaceful means. Lieutenant Commander Tholev Shavahar, USS Locknar II, is the latest recipient. He was awarded the Prantares Ribbon on Stardate 3/0207.12 for his rescue of 17 mining engineers on Bactria III. The decoration is a stylized Prantarian lamb surrounded by a green wreath, with the inscription "High Protector" below.
Origin: Stardate 2/1705, Vulcan Planetary Government
Number Awarded: 67
The Shuvalis Diamond of Recognition recognizes individuals who have advanced peaceful relations with newly discovered life forms. Captain Amanda Kincaid, USS Fearless, is the latest recipient. She was awarded the Shuvalis Diamond of Recognition on Stardate 2/8202 for her efforts in favor of the planet Haven joining the Federation. She worked tirelessly for the cause despite the hostility that many planetary officials felt toward the idea. The decoration is a three-dimensional diamond surrounded by a hollow ruby double crescent.
Origin: Stardate 2/1005. Originally issued by the Tellarite Planetary Government, adopted as a United Federation of Planets award in 2/2001. The design was modified in 2/8801.
Number Awarded: 149
Description :
The Federation Peace Medal commends an individual who has set a personal example of fostering peace, mutual respect, and cooperation among divergent races. Ambassador Elias Rinn is the latest recipient. He was awarded the Federation Peace Medal on Stardate 2/9905.17, for bringing the planet Halka into the Federation, despite several decades of refusals by the Halkan High Council. This medal is an elongated star set against a gold "Enterprise" arrowhead held in upraised hands. Asham Razi, USS Hood, is the latest recipient.
Origin: Stardate 2/1005. Starfleet Command, United Federation of Planets
Number Awarded: 249,351
Description :
The Starfleet purple Heart is awarded to Starfleet personnel who are seriously injured in the line of duty. This medal is a simple solid purple heart hung on a purple ribbon.
Origin: Stardate 2/1005. Starfleet Command, United Federation of Planets
Number Awarded: 32,741
Description :
The Starfleet Bronze Star is awarded for conspicuous service during combat. This medal is a bronze star.
Origin: Stardate 2/1005. Starfleet Command, United Federation of Planets
Number Awarded: 3,107
Description :
The Starfleet Silver Star is awarded for conspicuous service and leadership during combat in an untenable situation. This medal is a silver star.
Origin: Stardate 2/1005. Starfleet Command, United Federation of Planets
Number Awarded: 5,149
Description :
The Starfleet Distinguished Service medal is awarded for exemplary and unselfish service and dedication to Starfleet. The citation of Distinguished Service is a small turquoise triangle with three diamonds in the middle and a silver semicircular bar above, which is inscribed "For Service".