XO & Cmdr. Corvette Hunt

Chief of Operations



Name: Corvette Hunt

Terran Age: 37

Species: Jupiterean

Date of Birth: April 20th, 2336

Place of Birth: Britannic Bay, Jupiter

Marital Status: Married

Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Blue, deep marine
Height: 197 cm
Weight: 68 kg.
Other: Very tall for his species, polymorphic skin (most of the time white).


Interests: Computers, Fencing, and Track and Field


- Jupiter School of Computer Engineering, 5 years
- Starfleet Academy: Basic training, 2 years
- The Undergrounders specialization task center: Espionage and counterespionage techniques. Graduated 1st of the class. 1 year.

Languages: Britannic, English, Spanish, Federation Standard

Service Record:
2356 - 2358 Starfleet Academy: Basic Training, 2 years
2358 - 2359 Starfleet Academy: Advanced flight training, 1 year.
2358 - 2359 The Undergrounders specialization task center: Espionage and counterespionage techniques, 1 year.
2359 - 2361 Service onboard the USS Lexington.
2360 - Promoted to Lieutenant (JG)
2361 - 2362 Court Martialed. Sentenced to desk duty for 1 year, at Starfleet Headquarters. Details below.
2362 - 2365 Service onboard the USS Ticonderoga.
2363 Promoted to Full Lieutenant
2365 - 2366 Court Martialed. Sentenced to 2 years at Pluto's prison camp. Escaped 6 months later, was court martialed again and found innocent of all charges. Returned to duty on board USS Ticonderoga.
2366 - Demoted to Lieutenant (JG)
2366 - 2371 Transferred onboard the station Deep Space 4.
2371 - 2372 Classified.
2372 - Promoted to Full Lieutenant.
2372 - 2373 Court Martialed. Charges were mysteriously dropped 3 days after trial had begun. Absolved of all accusations.
2373 - 2373 Transferred onboard the USS Grail, Asst. Chief of Operations
2373 - Present Promoted to Lieutenant Commander and made Chief of Operations
2374 - Field Promotion to Commander and made Executive Officer


All around champion in solar system fencing tournament for 4 years several awards in holodeck flight simulator tournaments.


Suffers from a shoulder and back lesion, which made him to withdraw from the Solar System Track and Field Olympics as a Javelin thrower and Decathlonist.

Won second place in the Jupiterean World Fencing Championships, and was elected to represent his planet in the Solar System Olympics. Won the championship for 4 straight years, but withdrawn due to the lesion specified before.

Entered Starfleet Academy in 2356. Serving for Starfleet ever since.

Personality Profile:

Very reserved and sometimes timid, has very few friends, but those who are, are a very selected breed. Very efficient, has a perfect mission record so far, and is a superb pilot. Likes to question orders, and sometimes makes his own conclusions and acts upon them. Deemed as a political danger by Starfleet Command (see above and below). Dislikes Gorns very much, and adores the Trill way of living several 'lifetimes'.

Special Notes:

Due to the hostile environment in which he grew up, he has two distinctive characteristics: Speed and Stealth. In his home planet, Jupiter, the force of gravity is extremely strong. His body learned to adapt to it, and so when in a normal (Terran) gravity, he is slightly stronger than normal, but his speed and dexterity are unequaled, yet he has a very low stamina, and needs to rest a lot.

His stealth abilities reside in the fact that he has polymorphic skin. That is, he can change and mimic his surroundings, almost to perfection like a chameleon in a color spectrum ranging from purple to green. On the other side of the spectrum, from colors yellow to red, it's possible to see a moving sillouhette ((OOC: kind of what you see on the predator movie)).

When he is in a blue environment, or subject to a blue light, he is virtually invisible, yet in a yellow environment or light, he is very easily spotted. That's why he was a perfect subject to be trained in espionage tactics. Note: He doesn't change shape (He's not a shapeshifter).

Deemed as a political threat by Starfleet Command, several attempts have been made on his life. He always emerged alive from those confrontations, although many have questioned how he was able to do so. Being an asset for Starfleet Intelligence, and a threat for Starfleet Command, his third court-martial brought unnecessary attention on him, and so was transferred onboard the 'doomed' USS Grail. Although knowing in advance of the secret agenda of the ship, he decided to join it anyway, for it gave him a chance both to explore uncharted regions, and clear up and make a new reputation for himself.

Species Historical Profile:

During the great human colonization, circa 2079, Jupiter was colonized. The way to accomplish this was far from simple. Great floating cities were built, having antigravity units, anti-radiation shields, internal life support and such. During the following years, these were perfected, but several accidents happened which involved in DNA random resequencing and terrible mutations. With the further developments in genetic engineering, many of this aberrations were corrected, but the newly formed mutations were given sentience and living creatures rights, so no more genetic tampering were permitted on them. Later on, they developed into several different species, being most of them irrational and violent, and eventually turning into wild beasts.

The few humanoids that remained, developed through radiation, evolution and some genetic tampering, different ways to overcome and survive in such an hostile environment, thus Corvette's special skin chamaleonic abilities.

Due to the obvious complications for life in such environments, it was deemed necessary for all subsequent earth colonies to be erected in at least class M planets.

Contact Cmdr. Corvette Hunt